View Amendment Current Amendment: 59 to Bill 3720 Reps. OTT, COBB-HUNTER, and KNIGHT propose the following Amendment No. 59 to H.3720 as introduced by Ways & Means
(Doc Name COUNCIL\DG\3720C016.BBM.DG17.DOCX):
Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking the amendment bearing document number H:\LEGWORK\HOUSE\AMEND\H-WM\001\118.14 LITIGATION RECOVERY. DOCX, BY STRIKING THE AMENDMENT IN ITS ENTIRETY AND INSERTING:

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 118, STATEWIDE REVENUE, page 507, paragraph 118.14, by striking lines 34-35, and inserting:

/ (12)      Tax Relief for Students Fund            $6,000,000
           (12.1)      (A)There is created the Tax Relief for Students Fund within the State Treasury. The fund only may be used to provide tax credits as provided in this item. Upon the credits being claimed, the Tax Relief for Students Fund shall transfer an equal amount of funds to the general fund. Any amounts remaining in the fund on June 30, 2018, shall lapse to the general fund.
     (B)      There is allowed an income tax credit of three hundred dollars for any taxpayer who, during the tax year ending in the current fiscal year, was enrolled in a public institution of higher learning, including technical colleges, accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and earned at least six credit hours in any semester while simultaneously being employed at a full-time job. The maximum aggregate credit for all taxpayers may not exceed six million dollars. If the credits claimed exceed the six million dollar limit, the department of Revenue must reduce each credit amount equally. This provision only applies if the taxpayer is not claimed as a dependent on any other taxpayer's return. The department may require any proof it determines necessary to implement this provision. For purposes of this provision, "full-time job" has the same meaning as provided in Section 12-6-3360 of the 1976 Code.

/      Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 118, STATEWIDE REVENUE, page 506, paragraph 118.14, line 13, by striking /$10,183,789/ and inserting /$16,183,789/

Amend the bill further, as and if amended, Section 118, STATEWIDE REVENUE, page 506, paragraph 118.14, line 14, by striking:/ (3) $6,000,000 from the Litigation Recovery Account /

Renumber sections to conform.
Amend totals and titles to conform.