Journal of the House of Representatives
of the Second Session of the 110th General Assembly
of the State of South Carolina
being the Regular Session Beginning Tuesday, January 11, 1994

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| Printed Page 8000, June 2 | Printed Page 8020, June 2 |

Printed Page 8010 . . . . . Thursday, June 2, 1994

The Free Conference Report was adopted and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.


Rep. ROGERS and the Richland Delegation made a statement relative to Rep. ROLAND S. CORNING'S service in the House.


Rep. ROLAND CORNING made a statement relative to his service in the House of Representatives.


Rep. CARNELL recognized Rep. ALMA BYRD for her numerous contributions to her community.


Rep. ALMA BYRD expressed her appreciation for the special recognition bestowed to her.


Reps. RHOAD, WILKINS and HODGES made a statement relative to Rep. JOSEPH B. WILDER'S service in the House.


Rep. JOE WILDER made a statement relative to his service in the House of Representatives.

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The General Assembly, Columbia, South Carolina, June 1, 1994

The COMMITTEE OF FREE CONFERENCE, to whom was referred:
Beg leave to report that they have duly and carefully considered the same and recommend:

That the same do pass with the following amendments:

Amend the Joint Resolution, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting:

/SECTION 1. In accordance with the provisions of Article III, Section 36(B)(2) and (3), Constitution of South Carolina, 1895, and Section 11-11-320(C) and (D) of the 1976 Code, there is appropriated from the monies available in the Capital Reserve Fund for fiscal year 1993-94 the following amounts:

(1) Bass and Perri Lawsuit Settlement. . . . .$48,000,000

(2) Catawba Indian Settlement. . . . .2,500,000

(3) 1994 General Election Expenses. . . . .1,200,000

(4) Department of Education

Textbooks and Instructional Materials. . . . .12,000,000

(5) Department of Education

Teacher Fringe Benefits-

Hold Harmless. . . . .3,131,734

. . . . .__________

Total Capital Reserve Fund Appropriation. . . . .$66,831,734

SECTION 2. This joint resolution takes effect thirty days after the completion of the 1993-94 fiscal year in accordance with the provisions of Article III, Section 36(B)(3)(a), Constitution of South Carolina, 1895, and Section 11-11-320(D)(1) of the 1976 Code./

Amend title to conform.

/s/Senator John Drummond/s/Rep. William D. Boan
/s/Senator J. Verne Smith/s/Rep. Harry M. Hallman, Jr.
/s/Senator Phil P. Leventis/s/Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter

On Part of the Senate.On Part of the House.

The Free Conference Report was adopted and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.

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The General Assembly, Columbia, South Carolina, June 2, 1994

The COMMITTEE OF FREE CONFERENCE, to whom was referred:
Beg leave to report that they have duly and carefully considered the same and recommend:

That the same do pass with the following amendments:

Amend the Joint Resolution, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting:

/SECTION 1. At the end of fiscal year 1993-94, the Comptroller General shall determine the amount of available surplus. No appropriation may be paid pursuant to this joint resolution until the Comptroller General funds agency general fund operating deficits recognized by the State Budget and Control Board.

SECTION 2. Subject to the provisions of Section 1 and to the extent that fiscal year 1993-94 surplus revenues are available, the following sums are appropriated from the general fund of the State:

(1) General Reserve Fund Transfer. . . . .$ 9,930,206

(2) Aid to Subdivisions-Treasurer

Local Government Fund. . . . .14,895,301

(3) Aid to Subdivisions-Comptroller

Homestead Exemption. . . . .5,800,065

(4) B & C Bd-Employee Benefits

Higher Education Other Funds Pay Increase. . . . .8,248,122

(5) State House Renovations. . . . .500,000

(6) Commission on Higher Education

Higher Education Formula. . . . .37,300,000

Any formula funds for higher education appropriated in excess of the Fiscal Year 1993-94 total state appropriation must be allocated to the institutions of higher education for the funding of the formula for in-state students only.

(7) Department of Health & Human Services

Medicaid Program. . . . .6,445,193

(8) Department of Health & Human Services

Emotionally Disturbed Children's Fund. . . . .12,000,000

(9) Department of Social Services

Child Support Computer. . . . .4,182,000

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(10) Department of Corrections. . . . .7,793,784

(11) Probation, Parole and Pardon Services. . . . .2,395,716

(12) Department of Juvenile Justice. . . . .1,820,500

(13) Department of Forestry

Fire Control Equipment. . . . .4,600,000

(14) Commission on Higher Education

SCAMP. . . . .600,000

(15) B & C Bd.-Employee Benefits

State Employee Adoption Assistance. . . . .500,000

The Division of Budget and Analyses in conjunction with the Governor's Office shall develop a plan establishing rules and guidelines for the implementation of the State Employee Adoption Assistance Program. The plan must include the maintenance of a fund to provide financial assistance to state employees who are adoptive parents of special needs children and other children. The plan must be submitted to the State Budget and Control Board for approval and implementation in Fiscal Year 1994-95.

For each special needs child adoption, the financial assistance shall consist of providing up to $10,000 in direct costs related to the adoption. A special needs child is as defined in Section 20-7-1650(j) of the 1976 Code. These direct costs may include, but not be limited to, medical costs of the biological mother relating to the birth of the adoptive child, medical costs of the child, or legal fees.

For any other child adoption, the financial assistance shall consist of providing up to $5,000 in direct costs related to the adoption. These direct costs may include, but not be limited to, medical costs of the biological mother relating to the birth of the adoptive child, medical costs of the child, or legal fees.

Funds should be payable directly to the provider of services upon providing proof of the cost of the service.

(16) Governor's Office OEPP

Com. Dev. Blk. Grt. Match. . . . .250,000

(17) S. C. State School of Engineering . . . . .250,000

(18) University of Charleston

Center for Entrepreneurship. . . . .1,000,000

(19) State Bd. for Vocational & Technical Education

Denmark Tec Equipment and Repairs. . . . .305,500

(20) Archives and History

Mold Treatment. . . . .300,000

(21) Commission on Higher Education

Matching Funds-EPSCOR. . . . .2,000,000

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The appropriations contained in this section are ranked in order of priority and each appropriation, beginning with item (1) must be fully funded from the available surplus revenues before the next appropriation is funded.

SECTION 3. Subject to the provisions of Section 3 of this joint resolution, fiscal year 1993-94 surplus revenues remaining after the appropriations in Section 2 of this joint resolution are appropriated as follows:

(1) State Board for Vocational & Technical Education

Special Schools. . . . .$1,678,266

(2) Budget & Control Board Local Government

Infrastructure and Local Government Funds. . . . .4,725,000

Of the funds appropriated in this item, $4,300,000 is provided for the Infrastructure Grant Revolving Fund to be used only as grants for infrastructure projects in economically distressed areas as provided for in Section 41-43-180 of the 1976 Code.

(3) Commission on Higher Education

Access and Equity. . . . .100,000

(4) Clemson PSA

Garrison Livestock Arena. . . . .1,900,000

(5) Higher Education Tuition Grants

Grant. . . . .1,000,000

(6) Judicial Department

Automation. . . . .1,400,000

(7) South Carolina Research Authority

Grant. . . . .2,000,000

The $2,000,000 grant provided for the South Carolina Research Authority must be used to assist in the purchase and related land development cost for approximately 350 acres of land near an intersection with an interstate highway. This appropriation is specifically contingent upon the receipt of a binding commitment no later than March 31, 1995, from a company which will invest no less than $150,000,000 in the construction of a manufacturing and/or research facility on approximately one-third of the property. If the $2,000,000 grant is not needed for this special project, the funds must be returned to the general fund of the State.

(8) Vocational Rehabilitation

Shortfall Avoidance. . . . .850,000

(9) Vocational Rehabilitation

Case Services. . . . .100,000

(10) Department of Natural Resources. . . . .

a. Law Enforcement. . . . .100,000

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b. Marine Resources Chillers. . . . .200,000

c. Equipment/Research and Development. . . . .250,000

d. Aquatic Weed Program. . . . .150,000

e. Law Enforcement Equipment. . . . .500,000

(11) Department of Commerce

Airport Improvements. . . . .600,000

(12) CHEC-Coastal Council

Edisto Beach Renourishment Project. . . . .1,000,000

The funds allocated for the Edisto Beach Renourishment Project must be matched by the Town of Edisto Beach in the amount of $500,000. Local funds expended by the Town of Edisto Beach on the Edisto Beach Renourishment Project after December 31, 1993, must be used in calculating the local match of $500,000.

(13) Department of Health & Human Services

Nursing Home Cost Reports. . . . .4,000,000

(14) Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulations

Fire Academy Operating Expenses. . . . .86,653

(15) Legislative Council

Code Supplement. . . . .238,123

(16) Governor's Office

Transition Costs. . . . .50,000

(17) Governor's Office Division on Aging

Alzheimer's Resource Coordination Center. . . . .100,000

Of the funds appropriated in this item for the Alzheimer's Resource Coordination Center, the Division of Aging shall use a portion of the funds to provide grants of up to $10,000 each to local communities to assist persons who have Alzheimer's Disease and their families, to include respite care. The local community is required to provide cash or in-kind match in an amount equal to the amount of funds received.

(18) Adjutant General

Maintenance. . . . .209,000

(19) Election Commission

Automated Voting. . . . .700,000

The first priority use of funds designated for automated voting systems is to aid counties presently using paper ballots in purchasing automated count voting systems. The state may reimburse up to 70 percent of the cost of these systems. These counties are Abbeville, Calhoun, Dillon, Lee, McCormick, Richland, Marlboro, and Williamsburg. The second priority use of these funds is to repay up to 70 percent of cost incurred by counties that have previously purchased an automated count voting system

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to replace paper ballots. These counties include Charleston, Chesterfield, Clarendon, Darlington, Horry, Lancaster, Laurens, Saluda, and Union.

(20) Budget & Control Board

Office of Executive Director

Accounting System Analysis. . . . .200,000

The General Assembly authorizes the Executive Director of the State Budget and Control Board to establish a team, the majority of whom will be trained in Total Quality Management principles, to conduct a system analysis of state government accounting processes and procedures. The team may include outside consultants with expertise in process analysis and redesign. The goal of this analysis is to reduce monetary and personnel resources devoted to state government accounting functions, improve accountability over the state's assets, and provide policy makers and agency program managers with better financial information with which to make decisions. The study should include at a minimum the following: (1) analysis of the current structure and processes for state government accounting and assessment of the adequacy of current system output; (2) recommendations to streamline state government accounting processes and improve system output; (3) cost estimate to implement streamlining and automation of accounting processes; and (4) estimate of recurring cost savings to be achieved from streamlining accounting processes. The Executive Director of the State Budget and Control Board shall make recommendations based on this study to the Senate Finance and Ways and Means Committees by May 31, 1995.

(21) Budget & Control Board

Office of Executive Director

Public Service Partnership. . . . .100,000

From the funds appropriated in this item, the State Budget and Control Board and the Commission on Higher Education shall ensure that state agencies and higher education institutions participate to the maximum extent possible in the Public Service Partnership Programs coordinated by the Institute for Public Affairs at the University of South Carolina. The Institute for Public Affairs at USC shall submit a report detailing expenditures, activities, and results to the Senate Finance and Education committees, the House Ways and Means and Education committees, and the CHE by January 1, 1995.

(22) Budget & Control Board

Office of Human Resources

Agency Head Salary Study. . . . .65,000

(23) Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School

Heating & AC . . . . .45,000

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(24) State Library

Computer Upgrade. . . . .50,000

(25) Department of Health & Human Services

Managed Care Waiver. . . . .2,000,000

(26) Department of Health & Human Services

Other Medicaid Services. . . . .445,000

Of the funds allocated for Other Medicaid Services, the department shall expend $445,000 to provide additional reimbursement to the Federally Qualified Health Centers in excess of the Medicare Rural Health Clinic rate cap.

(27) Department of Health & Human Services

Nursing Home. . . . .746,316

The funds allocated for nursing homes in the amount of $746,316 must be used to provide an additional 100 nursing home beds for Fiscal Year 1994-95. Pursuant to this funding, DHEC is authorized to issue an additional 36,500 Medicaid Nursing home permit days over the number permitted in Proviso 30.24 of the fiscal year 1994-95 general appropriations act.

(28) DHEC-Coastal Council

Grand Strand Renourishment Project. . . . .4,250,000

The funds allocated for the Grand Strand Renourishment Project cannot be expended until the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers certifies to the department that the federal funds for the Grand Strand Renourishment Project have been appropriated and are available for expenditure.

(29) DHEC-Coastal Council

Developer's Handbook. . . . .20,000

(30) DHEC-Coastal Council

Coastal Zone Management Plan. . . . .25,000

(31) Department of Social Services

Welfare Reform Pilot Project. . . . .2,000,000

These funds must be used to implement, upon federal approval, the Self-Sufficiency Pilot Program as recommended by the January 14, 1994, Final Report of the Welfare Reform Task Force. The Department of Social Services shall submit quarterly progress reports to the appropriate subcommittees of the Ways and Means Committee and Senate Finance Committee on the implementation of the pilot. These reports will be used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot and to assess and recommend statewide program changes, if any, to further self-sufficiency efforts.

(32) John de la Howe

Sewer Repairs. . . . .425,000

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(33) Dept. of Agriculture

Lab Equipment. . . . .25,000

(34) Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism

Horry County Air Show. . . . .25,000

(35) Department of Social Services

Child Support Initiative. . . . .700,000

(36) Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism

Ron McNair Memorial. . . . .50,000

(37) Old Exchange Building

Maintenance costs. . . . .15,000

It is the intent of the General Assembly that funds allocated for the Old Exchange Building are to be used by the commission for maintenance and minor repair costs only.

(38) Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism

U.S. Youth Games. . . . .50,000

(39) Department of Juvenile Justice

Institutional Security. . . . .500,000

(40) University of Charleston

Center of Entrepreneurship. . . . .300,000

(41) Adjutant General

Armory Maintenance. . . . .200,000

(42) Department of Commerce

Georgetown Airport. . . . .600,000

(43) Department of Education

(a) Strom Thurmond Institute. . . . .40,000

(b) Tugaloo Environmental Education. . . . .150,000

The appropriations contained in this section are ranked in order of priority and each appropriation, beginning with item (1) must be fully funded from the available surplus revenues before the next appropriation is funded.

SECTION 4. This joint resolution takes effect upon approval by the Governor, but no appropriation may be paid pursuant to this joint resolution until after the Comptroller General closes the books on fiscal year 1993-94./

Amend title to conform.

/s/Senator John Drummond/s/Rep. William D. Boan
/s/Senator J. Verne Smith/s/Rep. Harry M. Hallman, Jr.
/s/Senator Phil P. Leventis/s/Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter

On Part of the Senate.On Part of the House.

Printed Page 8019 . . . . . Thursday, June 2, 1994

The Free Conference Report was adopted and a message was ordered sent to the Senate accordingly.



The General Assembly, Columbia, South Carolina, June 2, 1994

The COMMITTEE OF FREE CONFERENCE, to whom was referred:

H. 4820


Beg leave to report that they have duly and carefully considered the same and recommend:

That the same do pass with the following amendments:

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting:

Renumber sections to conform.

Amend title to conform.

Make all necessary technical corrections.

/s/Senator John Drummond/s/Rep. William D. Boan
/s/Senator J. Verne Smith/s/Rep. Harry M. Hallman, Jr.
/s/Senator Phil P. Leventis/s/Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter

On Part of the Senate.On Part of the House.


Rep. BOAN moved to waive Rule 5.14, which was agreed to by a division vote of 82 to 2.

The question then recurred to the adoption of the Free Conference Report.

Rep. R. YOUNG demanded the yeas and nays, which were taken resulting as follows:

Yeas 64; Nays 46

Those who voted in the affirmative are:

Alexander, M.O.  Anderson         Askins
Barber           Baxley           Boan
Breeland         Brown, G.        Brown, H.
Brown, J.        Byrd             Carnell
Cobb-Hunter      Cromer           Delleney

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Farr             Felder           Hallman
Harrell          Harrelson        Harris, J.
Harris, P.       Harwell          Hines
Hodges           Houck            Inabinett
Jennings         Kennedy          Keyserling
Lanford          Law              Martin
Mattos           McAbee           McCraw
McElveen         McKay            McLeod
McMahand         McTeer           Neal
Neilson          Phillips         Richardson
Rogers           Rudnick          Scott
Sheheen          Snow             Spearman
Stille           Stoddard         Thomas
Tucker           Waites           Waldrop
Whipper          White            Wilder, D.
Wilder, J.       Wilkes           Williams


| Printed Page 8000, June 2 | Printed Page 8020, June 2 |

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