WHEREAS, the economic well-being of South Carolina's citizens is a matter of paramount public interest; and

WHEREAS, The South Carolina Department of Commerce has developed a strategic plan with an economic development vision for the future development of the State; and

WHEREAS, to increase the wealth-generating capacity of South Carolina's economy, the strategic plan recommends formulating and implementing a South Carolina technology strategy for research and business development;

NOW, THEREFORE, by the virtue of the powers conferred upon me by the Constitution and the Statutes of the State of South Carolina, I hereby establish the South Carolina Technology Advisory Council, hereinafter called the "Council."

The Council shall serve to oversee the development of a Technology Strategy regarding the needs for technology in research and business development in South Carolina, and shall present this strategy to the Governor on or before December 31, 1997. Such strategy, at a minimum, shall address the present condition of technology development, and make recommendations that support the welfare and growth of South Carolina's business community, with a particular emphasis on resources that support the development and expansion of technology-based businesses.

The Council shall have one member from each of the following public entities:

Additionally, seven or more members shall be selected from among private sector businesses that are representative of South Carolina's technology-based industries. Members shall serve as individuals, representing broad technology and industry perspectives, not simply representing their specific organizations.

The Governor shall appoint the Council members. Dr. Larry E. Druffel, President and Director, South Carolina Research Authority, is appointed as chairperson. Members shall serve without compensation. By a majority vote of a quorum of its appointed members, the Council may create such committees as deemed appropriate to discharge its tasks. The chairperson shall establish meeting dates and locations. Committee chairs may call and conduct necessary committee meetings, in agreement with the chairperson. At the invitation of the chairperson, representatives from Federal research and development activities in key technologies, staff or members of the General Assembly, and technologists from the industry and educational institutions, may be invited to participate in strategy development discussions, but without voting privileges.

Staff support for the Council shall be provided through the South Carolina Department of Commerce. The chairperson may request assistance from any other agency of the State of South Carolina in presenting or evaluating findings and recommendations for the Council. I am further directing that the activities and recommendations of the Council be coordinated with the Information Resource Council of South Carolina, its Standing Committees on Science and Technology Research, Technology and Education, and any other existing or planned committees of the IRC as appropriate.

Each member from the private sector is encouraged to prepare and present a briefing about the condition of technology support, incentives, and any other matters that positively or negatively impact the industry he or she represents. These matters will be considered by the Department of Commerce when it prepares the Technology Strategy for Council review.

Members shall review the Technology Strategy and make recommendations for improvements or additions in the technology resources that support the growth of technology-based industries. Support staff shall record meetings; prepare and present appropriate documents, findings, and recommendations; and submit a draft Technology Strategy to each member of the Council by September 30, 1997. Members shall report any final responses to the draft Technology Strategy to the chairperson by October 31, 1997. The chairperson shall present the Technology Strategy to the Governor on or before December 31, 1997.

The Council shall serve to periodically review the Technology Strategy, monitor progress towards its objectives, reconsider its recommendations, review additional priorities that may amend it, and provide an annual progress report to the Governor and the Secretary of Commerce. Such endeavors shall take place at least once each year beginning January 1, 1998.

Together with support from the South Carolina Department of Commerce, the Council may make any inquiry, investigation, survey, feasibility study, or other study which it may deem necessary for undertaking the provisions of the Order.

The Council shall promulgate by-laws and procedures for the orderly conduct of its business and discharge of its responsibilities.




Secretary of State

Last Updated: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 at 11:18 A.M.