View Amendment Current Amendment: 2.a.p.2.docx to Bill 3945     Senator MALLOY proposed the following amendment (2.A.P.2):
    Amend the document with the file path amend\3945R009.SB.docx, as and if amended, by striking in its entirety and inserting the following:
//     Amend the bill, as and if amended, by amending Section 8-13-1120(A), found in SECTION 24, by adding an appropriately numbered new item to read:

/     ( )     the names or description and indication of amount of all equity, fixed income, or other marketable securities owned when the security is owned in certificate form, directly with a sponsor company's transfer agent, a self directed brokerage account, retirement account, or other account or form in which the public official or public member has full trading authority where the issuer is a publicly traded company, as defined by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or a privately traded company. An indication of amount shall show which of the following categories the amount or value of such item of income is within:
(i)not more than $1,000,

(ii)greater than $1,000 but not more than $2,500,

(iii)greater than $2,500 but not more than $5,000,
(iv)greater than $5,000 but not more than $15,000,

(v)greater than $15,000 but not more than $50,000,

(vi)greater than $50,000 but not more than $100,000,

(vii)greater than $100,000 but not more than $1,000,000,

(viii)greater than $1,000,000 but not more than $5,000,000, or

(ix)greater than $5,000,000.

Renumber sections to conform.                
Amend title to conform.