View Amendment Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 198 The Committee on Education and Public Works proposes the following Amendment No. 1 to S. 198 (COUNCIL\CM\198C001.GT.CM17):

Reference is to Printer's Date 1/31/17 -S.

Amend the bill, as and if amended, Section 56-1-100(A)(5), as contained in SECTION 1, by deleting lines 39 and 40 on page 1 and inserting:

\ (5)      an individual who has custody, care, and control of the minor; \

Amend the bill further, Section 56-1-100(A)(7),as contained in SECTION 1, by deleting lines 1 and 2 on page 2, and inserting:

\ (7)      any person who has been standing in loco parentis of the minor for a continuous period of not less than sixty days; or \

Amend the bill further, Section 56-1-100(C)(3), as contained in SECTION 1, by deleting lines 16 through 28 on page 2, and inserting:

\ (3)      the foster parent, pre-adoptive parent, or person responsible for the welfare of the child who resides in a child caring facility or residential group care home, upon written approval by the Department of Social Services. The disclosure of information by the Department of Social Services to the Department of Motor Vehicles in order to provide approval for the limited purpose of this code section shall not be a violation of Section 63-7-1990 or any other section of the Children's Code governing the dissemination of confidential information. The foster parent, pre-adoptive parent, or person responsible for the welfare of the child who resides in a child caring facility or residential group care home must obtain approval from the Department of Social Services prior to the request for an extension of a permit pursuant to Section 56-1-50. \

Renumber sections to conform.
Amend title to conform.