View Amendment Current Amendment: 3449R003.KMM.PGC.DOCX to Bill 3449     Senators HEMBREE, WILLIAMS, CAMPBELL and VERDIN proposed the following amendment (3449R003.KMM.PGC):
    Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking SECTION 3 in its entirety and inserting:
/     SECTION 3.     (A)     The forty 2019 licenses issued pursuant to Chapter 55, Title 46 prior to the effective date of this act shall be valid for the term of the licenses, under the terms and conditions under which the licenses were issued, except that, upon the approval of the South Carolina Department of Agriculture, each licensee may expand operations beyond the forty-acre limit and may cultivate hemp for commercial purposes.
    (B)     Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 46-55-20(B)(3), as amended by this act, as of the date licenses were issued for 2019, the South Carolina Department of Agriculture may issue additional licenses for 2019 to any applicant that met the licensing criteria but was denied solely because the department had already issued the legally permitted number of licenses for the year. Licenses issued pursuant to this subsection shall be for the same term, and under the same terms and conditions, under which the forty licenses identified in subsection (A) were issued. Licensees pursuant to this subsection may also expand operations beyond the forty-acre limit and may cultivate hemp for commercial purposes upon the approval of the South Carolina Department of Agriculture.
    (C)     The law under which licenses are issued shall be in full force and effect for those licenses during the term of the licenses.         /
    Renumber sections to conform.
    Amend title to conform.