View Amendment Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 5015

The Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs proposes the following Amendment No. 1 to H. 5015 (COUNCIL\CZ\5015C001.NBD.CZ20):

Reference is to the bill as introduced.

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking SECTIONS 1 and 2 and inserting:

/SECTION 1. Section 47-3-420( A)(1)(i) of the 1976 Code is amended to read:

"(i) an animal shelter, governmental animal control agency, or the Department of Natural Resources (department) may obtain sodium pentobarbital or a derivative, a Schedule IV drug, or tranquilizing agent by direct licensing. The animal shelter, governmental animal control agency, or department must apply for a Controlled Substance Registration Certificate from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and a State Controlled Substances Registration from the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). If an animal shelter, governmental animal control agency, or the department is issued a certificate by the DEA and a registration by DHEC pursuant to this subitem, the animal shelter, governmental animal control agency director or his designee, and the department's applicant are responsible for maintaining their respective records regarding the inventory, storage, and administration of controlled substances. An animal shelter, governmental animal control agency and its certified euthanasia technician, and the department and its certified employees are subject to inspection and audit by DHEC and the DEA regarding the recordkeeping, inventory, storage, and administration of controlled substances used under authority of this article; /