View Amendment Current Amendment: 42 to Bill 5201

Reps. G.M. SMITH, SIMRILL, HERBKERSMAN, WHITMIRE, STAVRINAKIS, ERICKSON, LOWE, FINLAY and BANNISTER propose the following Amendment No.���� to H.5201 as introduced by Ways & Means

(Doc Name h:\legwork\house\amend\h-wm\006\covid19.docx):

EXPLANATION: Authorizes state agencies to receive and expend federal funds distributed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 117, GENERAL PROVISIONS, page 530, after line 28, by adding an appropriately numbered paragraph to read:

/(GP: COVID-19 Federal Funds) State agencies are authorized to receive funds from the federal government to be expended for COVID-19 preparedness and response. Unexpended funds shall be carried forward from the prior fiscal year and expended for the same purpose./

Amend totals and titles to conform.