View Amendment Current Amendment: 4 to Bill 1099

Rep. G.R. SMITH proposes the following Amendment No. 4 to S. 1099 (COUNCIL\CZ\1099C012.JN.CZ20):

Reference is to Printer's Date 9/15/20-H.

Amend the bill, as and if amended, by striking Section 61-4-942(1), as contained in SECTION 1, and inserting:

/(1) coerce or require a wholesaler to report the wholesaler's revenues, profits, margins, costs, sales volumes, or other financial information associated with the purchase, sale, or distribution of beer brands not manufactured or imported by the manufacturer, brewer, or importer. Nothing herein prevents a manufacturer, brewer, or importer from requesting publicly available data or from conducting ordinary course due diligence in connection with the potential acquisition of a wholesaler; /