View Amendment Current Amendment: 9 to Bill 4100

Reps. BRAWLEY, COBB-HUNTER, KING, GARVIN, K.O. JOHNSON, J.L. JOHNSON, Matthews, and RIVERS propose the following Amendment No.���� to H.4100 as introduced by Ways & Means


EXPLANATION: Requires DHEC to provide weekly reports on demographic data by race and vaccine manufacturer for all adminstered vaccines.

Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 117, GENERAL PROVISIONS, page 522, after line 35, by adding an appropriately numbered proviso to read:

/(GP: COVID-19 Vaccine Demographic Reporting) Of the funds appropriated to the Department of Health and Environmental Control for the current fiscal year, the department shall report demographic data by race and manufacturer of vaccine for all administered COVID-19 vaccines. The report shall be published weekly on the department's website and included in any legislative updates sent to the General Assembly./

Amend totals and titles to conform.