View Amendment Current Amendment: 1 to Bill 4831

The Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry proposes the following Amendment No. to H. 4831 (COUNCIL\PH\4831C003.NBD.PH22):

Reference is to the resolution as introduced.

Amend the joint resolution, as and if amended, by striking all after the enacting words and inserting:

/ SECTION1. ( A)The Department of Commerce must conduct an economic development study to evaluate the state's business advantages, economic climate, workforce readiness, and any other relevant state assets to create a roadmap for South Carolina to effectively compete in attracting offshore wind energy supply chain industries to the State. This study will build upon South Carolina's existing breadth of research including, but not limited to, the previous Phase I and Phase II Economic Impact Studies conducted by Clemson University in 2012 and 2014. The Department of Commerce also must coordinate with the South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff, Clemson University, or any other state agency where deemed necessary to exchange information and expertise.

(B) To the extent necessary to carry out study responsibilities, the department is authorized to employ third-party consultants and industry experts, by contract or otherwise, as the department may consider necessary to assist in the proper discharge of the responsibility as provided by this section.

(C) In conducting the economic development study and in creating a roadmap, the department must consider at least all of the following:

(1) identification and characterization of discrete segments within the offshore wind supply chain, including major manufacturing operations, specialty component manufacturing, component assembly, and ancillary services for future offshore wind energy projects along the east coast of the United States;

(2) estimated number and type of direct manufacturing jobs;

(3) potential ancillary economic benefits;

(4) potential industry investment in South Carolina and opportunities for rural economic development;

(5) highest impact investment opportunities to produce the largest net economic benefit;

(6) potential benefits to local tax bases;

(7) expected additional contribution to state economic output;

(8) any additional information the department identifies as relevant to the conduct of its study; and

(9) actionable next steps the State should take to recruit new, and assist the expansion of existing offshore wind supply chain companies, in order to capitalize on the 109 billion dollar offshore wind industry.

SECTION2. The Department of Commerce must submit the reports, roadmap, and any legislative recommendations to the Speaker of the House, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Chairman of the House Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee, the President of the Senate, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and Chairman of the Senate Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee one year from the date of funding.

SECTION3. Implementation of the provisions of this joint resolution is contingent upon funding by the General Assembly.

SECTION4. This joint resolution takes effect upon approval by the Governor.