View Amendment Current Amendment: 14 to Bill 5183

Reps. BENNETT and LONG propose the following Amendment No. to H. 5183 (COUNCIL\WAB\5183C006.RT.WAB22):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, SECTION 2, Section 59-29-620, by adding appropriately lettered subsections to read:

/ ( )Theoretical or scientifically unproven ideas, or unverifiable historical events or claims shall not be presented or taught as facts. Nor shall any individual be compelled to affirm, accept, or adhere to such ideas as facts.

( ) Promotion, advertisement, or display of sociopolitical causes or organizations on school premises or in informational materials such as websites or brochures by school employees or volunteers is prohibited.

( ) School curricula, instruction, instructional materials, or any activities shall not undermine, denigrate, or minimize the abilities, rights, or role of parents, legal guardians, or family as the undisputed primary educators and caregivers of their children.

( ) School curricula, instruction, instructional materials, or any activities shall not prompt, suggest, or encourage minors to reveal or discuss private or sensitive matters in front of other students or staff, whether as part of a lesson, discussion, written assignment, survey, questionnaire, or any other format or setting, or engage minors in therapy, counseling, coaching, or psychological interventions whether in a group or as individuals. /