View Amendment Current Amendment: 11 to Bill 5150

Senator JACKSON proposes the following amendment (SM CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES REPORT):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 1, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, page 312, after line 8, by adding an appropriately numbered new proviso to read:

/ (SDE: Educational Services for Children with Disabilities Report) In order to determine whether educational services provided to students with disabilities are delivered effectively and efficiently and whether services or funding should be reformed, the Department of Education shall provide a report to the Joint Citizens and Legislative Committee on Children and to the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office on targets identified from the Annual Performance Report on the most recent State Performance Plan submitted as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004, Section 616 and Section 619 to include all Indicators 1-16 (Indicator 1-Graduation; Indicator 2-Drop-out; Indicator 3-Achievement; Indicator 4-Significant Discrepancy (Suspension); Indicator 5-School-aged Least Restrictive Environment; Indicator 6-Preschool Least Restrictive Environment; Indicator 7-Preschool Outcomes; Indicator 8-Parent Involvement; Indicator 9-Disproportionate Representation (All Special Education); Indicator 10-Disproportionate Representation (Selected Categories); Indicator 11-60-Day Evaluation Timeline; Indicator 12-Part C to B Transition; Indicator 13-Transition Components; Indicator 14-Post-Secondary Outcomes; Indicator 15-Mediations; and Indicator 16-Due Process Complaints) and Tables 1-5 (Table 1-Child Count; Table 2-Personnel; Table 3-Placement; Table 4-Exiting; and Table 5-Discipline) required under these sections that have not been met by a school district.

The department shall submit the required reports to the Joint Citizens and Legislative Committee on Children committee on or before August 1, 2022. The Joint Citizens and Legislative Committee on Children is directed to report its finding and a work plan to assess and develop recommendations concerning service delivery to students with disabilities to the Governor, the General Assembly, the Department of Education, and the State Board of Education by November 1, 2022. /

Amend sections, totals and title to conform.