View Amendment Current Amendment: 14 to Bill 5150

Senators CASH and HARPOOTLIAN propose the following amendment (5150R009.KMM.RJC.DOCX):

Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 109, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, page 486, after line 21, by adding an appropriately numbered new proviso to read:

/109.__( DOR:Alcohol Consumables) (A) For the purposes of this proviso, 'alcohol consumable' means all products intended for consumption in frozen, gum, gelatin, or other nonliquid form containing alcoholic liquors, alcoholic beverages, wine, beer, ale, porter, or other similar malt or fermented beverages greater than one-half of one percent alcohol by volume.

(B) Beginning on August 1, 2022, the sale of alcohol consumables in this State is prohibited. A person who sells alcohol consumables in violation of this provision is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined one thousand dollars or imprisoned for up to thirty days; or both. Each sale of an alcohol consumable constitutes a separate offense.

(C) From the appropriations contained in this act, the Department of Revenue shall partner with local law enforcement officials to provide adequate notice to the public and vendors of alcoholic consumables that the sale of alcohol consumables is prohibited beginning on August 1, 2022. /

Amend sections, totals and title to conform.