South Carolina Legislature


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3673 matches found.
All Sessions - (1975-2026)
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Documents 1751 - 1800 of 3673 matches
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1050
Summary: Easter Seals, B.A.C. Coffee Day, March 17, 2004
... Day for People with Special Needs" in South Carolina on Good Friday, April 9, 2004; and Whereas, under the statewide leadership of Ellis Jackson, Chairman, Easter Seals South Carolina Board of Directors, ably assisted by Major Mark ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1056
Summary: James C. "Jim" Anders
... By Giese, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1077
Summary: NASCAR, Darlington Raceway
... Leatherman, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Kuhn, Land, Leventis, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, Moore, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S 1106
Summary: Financial Literacy Instruction Act of 2004
S 1106 General Bill, By Jackson, Richardson, Leventis, Cromer and Reese Similar(H 4819) A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY DESIGNATING SECTIONS 59-29-10 THROUGH 59-29-220 AS ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S 1117
Summary: Criminal Street Gang Prevention Act
S 1117 General Bill, By Jackson, Malloy, Hutto, Ford, Anderson, Knotts, Patterson and Matthews Similar(S 31, H 3226, H 4987) A BILL TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING ARTICLE 2 ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1146
Summary: EMS, miscellaneous provisions
... prevents adequate circulation. 9.    A spare wheel with appropriate size, inflated, mounted tire shall be provided in addition to a jack and wheel lug wrench. 10.    Convalescent transport units shall have storage ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1167
Summary: Strong Communities for Children, Child Abuse Prevention Month
... By Anderson, Alexander, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1200
Summary: Bicycle Safety Month
... By Courson, Hutto, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Jackson, Knotts, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1202
Summary: Mitchel Cooper
... By Knotts, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1203
Summary: Doc McKenzie
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1221
Summary: SC State College, 1954 Law School Class
... Land, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Kuhn, Leatherman, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, Moore, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1235
Summary: Gastric bypass surgery
... By Fair, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1256
Summary: Tobacco Quota Buyout Program
... By McGill, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, Mescher, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1264
Summary: St. Martin De Porres Catholic School
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1267
Summary: Aundrea Cook
... By Knotts, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1269
Summary: Reverend Dr. George Elias Meetze
... Richardson, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S 1290
Summary: John Wesley Matthews, Jr., portrait
S 1290 Resolution, By Jackson, Ford, Anderson, Glover, McGill, Reese, Leventis, Land, Giese, Branton, Cromer, Courson, O'Dell, Patterson, Ritchie, Short, Elliott, Hutto, Moore, Setzler, Malloy, Ryberg, Grooms, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1293
Summary: Senator Warren Giese
... McConnell, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McGill, Mescher, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1295
Summary: Senator Robert L. Waldrep
... McConnell, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McGill, Mescher, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1296
Summary: Senator Arthur Ravenel, Jr.
... McConnell, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Knotts, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McGill, Mescher, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - S*1299
Summary: Independence Airlines
... By Knotts, Alexander, Anderson, Branton, Courson, Cromer, Drummond, Elliott, Fair, Ford, Giese, Glover, Gregory, Grooms, Hawkins, Hayes, Hutto, Jackson, Kuhn, Land, Leatherman, Leventis, Malloy, Martin, Matthews, McConnell, McGill, Mescher, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*3176
Summary: Mary Hardy resolution
... selling real estate, volunteering with Meals on Wheels, and traveling the world; and Whereas, Ms. Hardy has been active in her community in Jack and Jill of America, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, National Education Association, Ridgewood ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*3347
Summary: Dr. James Edward Bell, Jr. of Santee
... E. Bell III and his wife, Dawn; Frederick M. Bell and his wife, Cynthia; two daughters, Katherine Bell Ratterree; Anne Middleton Bell; a stepson, Jack R. Martin, Jr., and his wife, Meg; a stepdaughter, Jeanne Martin Gasque and her husband ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*3676
Summary: Brigadier General Charles E. Savage
... E. "Charlie" Savage was born April 15, 1943, in Lexington, Kentucky, and, as a member of an Army family, he eventually settled at Fort Jackson in Columbia. Upon graduation from high school he enlisted in the United States Air Force ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*3695
Summary: Realtor Day
... many outstanding realtors and real estate professionals in our State. Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to Ken Jackson, 2003 President of the South Carolina Association of ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*3745
Summary: Shirley "Sam" McDonald
... loved ones, her friends, and her community; and Whereas, Mrs. McDonald was born and raised in Port Clinton, Ohio, and was the daughter of "Jack" Riddle and Katherine Schneider Riddle, from whom she learned the value and ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*3796
Summary: Coach Joy Couch; Dorman High School "Cavaliers" Basketball Team
... and to end the season with a 29-1 record; and Whereas, the members of this exceptional team are Jasmine Collier, Brittany Fowler, Micaela Jackson, Jade Hughes, Sarah Jane Harris, Jessica Payden, Tamika Pollard, Teeanna Smith, Kelly White, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*3814
Summary: Judges, election of by the General Assembly
... Judge of the Circuit Court for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Seat 3, whose term expires June 30, 2003; to elect a successor to the Honorable Jackson V. Gregory, Judge of the Circuit Court for the Fourteenth Judicial Circuit, Seat 2, whose ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H 3842
Summary: Bingo
... C bingo license at no cost. However, the organization may offer a prize in cash or merchandise of no more than one hundred fifty dollars for six jackpot games a session. An organization operating a Class C bingo game may not exceed gross ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*3843
Summary: Private First Class Spence McNeil
... 2002, immediately following his high school graduation, he bravely and patriotically enlisted in the United States Army serving his country at Fort Jackson in Columbia where he underwent basic training, at Fort Lee in Virginia where he ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*3845
Summary: Dreher High School Girls' Basketball Team; Coach Teresa Jones
... Girls' Basketball Team are Audrey Castor, Shaunta Cleveland, Lucia Derks, Lesley Gadson, Ashley Goodwin, Vanessa Green, Ashley Harris, Keturah Jackson, Courtney Lemon, Shekeyla Lemon, Ashley Morris, Tiffany Sumpter, Lakesha Tolliver, and ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*3847
Summary: Coach Calhoun F. "Cally" Gault
... at North Augusta High School, and he was later chosen to serve as the Athletic Director of that school, leading the North Augusta "Yellow Jackets" from 1952 to 1963 to a record of 88 wins, 14 losses, and 7 ties; and Whereas, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4027
Summary: The Honorable Carl D. Loadholt
... Gail L. Hugus and Anne L. Hall; his son, Dave Loadholt; his sister, Irene L. Lanning; and his grandchildren Amelia Hugus, Paul Hugus, and Jackson Hall. Now, therefore, Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4111
Summary: Chapin High School SAT Team
... Michael Shear, Jennifer Byrne, Joe Gillespie, Keith Hernandez, Casey Washington, and Joseph Stewart. These bright students were led by coaches Jack LeGrand, W.F. Sullivan, and Millie See; and Whereas, the members of the House of ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4212
Summary: W. Mullins McLeod
... attended Walterboro High School where he was named an All-State South Carolina high school football player, and he graduated from Bolles School in Jacksonville, Florida, where he was selected to the All-City and All-Florida high school ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4213
Summary: Dreher High School "Devils" Girls Track and Field Team
... the members of this exceptional team are Kathryn Baysinger, Lauren Benjamin, Nakia Billie, Sarah Binkley, Lucia Derks, Vanessa Green, Keturah Jackson, Brittney James, Courtney Lemon, Kim McIntee, DeQuena Niles, Amy Pate, Whitney Sparks, Liza ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4279
Summary: Squealin' on the Square Festival
... of the Squealin' on the Square Festival to receive automatically an invitation to the American Royale World Championship at Kansas City and to the Jack Daniels National Invitational Barbeque Competition at Lynchburg, Tennessee. Now, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4286
Summary: Voting precincts in Spartanburg county
... Human Resources Center Fairforest Fairmont Glendale Gramling Hayne Shop Hill Top Holly Springs Inman Jackson Mill Johnson City Landrum Lyman Mayo Memorial Auditorium ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4287
Summary: Hillcrest High School Girls Softball Team
... included: Megan Clark, Michelle Devita, Lea Aikens, Mariko Smith, Megan Toth, Kate Pouliot, Kellyn Henderson, Erica Simmons, Jamie Peoples, Carolyn Jackson, Ciara Glenn, Sarah Christopher, Kayla Bennett, and Amanda Williams; and Whereas, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4333
Summary: W. Mullins McLeod
... McLeod. He attended Walterboro High School where he was named an All-State high school football player, and he graduated from Bolles School in Jacksonville, Florida, where he was selected to the All-City and All-Florida high school football ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4352
Summary: Clemson University Golf Team; Coach Larry Penley
... to the national title; and Whereas, senior first-team All-American D.J. Trahan paved the way for his talented and highly touted teammates -- Jack Ferguson, Matt Hendrix, Gregg Jones, and Ben Duncan -- to capture the crown, and finished the ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4376
Summary: Reese, Reeves, Rose Biennial Reunion
... down to descendants; and Whereas, John Reese, became a master brickmason and along with his brother James Reese, a self-taught carpenter and Jack-of-all skills, built his own brick home over fifty years ago; and Whereas, the family ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4482
Summary: Federal Defense Facilities Utilization Integrity Protection Act
... governments. Section 6-29-1525.    (A)    For purposes of this article, 'federal military installations' includes Fort Jackson, Shaw Air Force Base, McEntire Air Force Base, Charleston Air Force Base, Beaufort Marine ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4514
Summary: Christopher Roark
... where he works as the Human Resources Manager, when he stopped to change a tire on his van; and Whereas, while changing the tire, the jack collapsed and pinned Mr. Whetsel to the ground, making it hard for him to breathe; and Whereas, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4516
Summary: Wilson Hall "Barons" Football Team
... the championship game; and Whereas, the members of the cheerleading team are Jordan Kinder, Corey Moses, Logan Chandler, Lauren Henry, Emily Jackson, Alyssa Lennard, Anne Trent Rauch, Mollie Sharp, Nancy Sharp, Jenna Thalman, Katie Welch, ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4525
Summary: Penelope Grainger Snow
... J. (Bubber) Snow III, died January 4, 2004, in Georgetown; and Whereas, Mrs. Snow (Penny) was born the daughter of the late Carson and Sallie Jackson Grainger in Tabor City, North Carolina; and Whereas, she graduated from Columbia ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4626
Summary: Anderson County, voting precincts
... School Hammond Annex High Point Homeland Park Station A Homeland Park Station B Honea Path Hopewell Iva Jackson Mill LaFrance Lakeside Melton Mount Tabor Mountain Creek Neal's ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*4829
Summary: Stephen Davis
... where, in two years, as a starter, he became the school's fourth leading rusher trailing only former NFL greats Joe Cribbs, James Brooks, and Bo Jackson and tied third for career touchdowns; and Whereas, the Washington Redskins drafted Mr. ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H*5029
Summary: Glenforest School Boys Basketball Team
... The game came down to the last seconds when the Bulldogs were able to pull ahead to end the game with a 69-67 victory; and Whereas, Jarvis Jackson, who led the Bulldog victory scoring forty-one points; Ventrell Jenkins, who scored ...
Session 115 - (2003-2004) - H 5109
Summary: Licensure and regulation on bingo
... C bingo license at no cost. However, the organization may offer a prize in cash or merchandise of no more than one hundred fifty dollars for six jackpot games a session. Class C bingo games may, but are not required to, have a promoter. ...

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