Current Status Introducing Body:House Bill Number:4494 Primary Sponsor:Wilkes Committee Number:06 Type of Legislation:CR Subject:Unfunded federal mandates, Congress to halt Residing Body:Senate Current Committee:Finance Computer Document Number:436/12193.DW Introduced Date:Mar 04, 1992 Last History Body:Senate Last History Date:Mar 26, 1992 Last History Type:Introduced, referred to Committee Scope of Legislation:Statewide All Sponsors:Wilkes Waites Type of Legislation:Concurrent Resolution
Bill Body Date Action Description CMN ---- ------ ------------ ------------------------------ --- 4494 Senate Mar 26, 1992 Introduced, referred to 06 Committee 4494 House Mar 25, 1992 Adopted, sent to Senate 4494 House Mar 19, 1992 Committee Report: Favorable 24 4494 House Mar 04, 1992 Introduced, referred to 24 CommitteeView additional legislative information at the LPITS web site.
March 19, 1992
H. 4494
S. Printed 3/19/92--H.
Read the first time March 4, 1992.
To whom was referred a Concurrent Resolution (H. 4494), memorializing the South Carolina Congressional Delegation, etc., respectfully
That they have duly and carefully considered the same, and recommend that the same do pass:
SAMUEL R. FOSTER, for Committee.
Whereas, a continual stream of federal mandates to state and local governments in the form of laws, rules, and regulations has been enacted by the congress and the executive branch of government; and
Whereas, these mandates are escalating and the majority of them contain no financing mechanism or means of paying for the requirements of the law, rule, or regulation; and
Whereas, the effect of the number and magnitude of these mandates has been to cripple and place a financial hardship on our State, its cities and counties, and to hamstring the hands of our elected officials to do anything about the situation; and
Whereas, the State has found itself in the position of curtailing services and/or raising taxes and/or placing the burden further down the line onto local governments; and
Whereas, the losers in this scenario are the taxpayers of South Carolina who blame their local and state officials for the increases in their taxes when the blame rests with the federal government; and
Whereas, this situation must come to a halt if we are to maintain the fiscal integrity of our State and to have any hand in planning for the future of our State. Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring:
That the members of the General Assembly memorialize the South Carolina Congressional Delegation to introduce legislation to halt unfunded federal mandates to the State and its localities and to provide that anytime the Congress passes a law requiring the expenditure of state funds for a new service program or to expand an existing service program or which imposes any direct service or cost obligation on the State, the mandate is suspended unless and until the Congress appropriates the funds to pay for the mandated service.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all members of the South Carolina Congressional Delegation.