Current Status Introducing Body:Senate Bill Number:1143 Primary Sponsor:Wilson Type of Legislation:CR Subject:Midlands Fighting Back Week Date Bill Passed both Bodies:19940217 Computer Document Number:JIC/5470HC.94 Introduced Date:19940208 Last History Body:Senate Last History Date:19940217 Last History Type:Received from House Scope of Legislation:Statewide All Sponsors:Wilson Type of Legislation:Concurrent Resolution
Bill Body Date Action Description CMN Leg Involved ____ ______ ____________ ______________________________ ___ ____________ 1143 Senate 19940217 Received from House 1143 House 19940216 Introduced, adopted, returned with concurrence 1143 Senate 19940215 Adopted, sent to House 1143 Senate 19940210 Polled out of Committee: 10 Favorable 1143 Senate 19940208 Introduced, referred to 10 CommitteeView additional legislative information at the LPITS web site.
Indicates Matter Stricken
Indicates New Matter
February 10, 1994 S. 1143
S. Printed 2/10/94--S.
Read the first time February 8, 1994.
To whom was referred a Concurrent Resolution (S. 1143), proclaiming February 27 through March 5, 1994, as "Midlands Fighting Back Week," etc., respectfully
Has polled the Concurrent Resolution out of Committee without report.
Whereas, over the past few years, thousands of citizens have joined forces to create Midlands FIGHTING BACK, a movement to combat alcohol and other drug abuse on a comprehensive scale by involving all segments of the community in Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry, and Richland counties; and
Whereas, families, youth, physicians, religious leaders, health care providers, educators, law enforcement, business leaders, government officials, the media, and other concerned citizens in all four counties have been working together to develop a comprehensive plan for the Midlands; and
Whereas, surveys have shown that sixty percent of Midlands youth have used alcohol and other drugs; and
Whereas, alcohol is a leading factor in individual and family crime and violence; and
Whereas, underage drinking is a primary health risk to youth in the Midlands; and
Whereas, each year in South Carolina, 3,350 children and adults die from alcohol and other drug-related tragedies; and
Whereas, the abuse of alcohol and other drugs affects everyone in the Midlands; and
Whereas, the citizens of Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry, and Richland counties are unwilling to let this tragedy continue without a fight. Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring:
That February 27 through March 5, 1994, is proclaimed Midlands FIGHTING BACK Week.
Be it further resolved that residents of the Midlands are called upon to participate in appropriate observances of the week.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. James E. Brown, Regional Director, Midlands Fighting Back, PO Box 50597, Columbia, SC 29250.