South Carolina General Assembly
111th Session, 1995-1996

Bill 3413

                    Current Status

Bill Number:                    3413
Ratification Number:            144
Act Number:                     91
Type of Legislation:            General Bill GB
Introducing Body:               House
Introduced Date:                19950131
Primary Sponsor:                Townsend
All Sponsors:                   Townsend, Stille, Rogers, Riser,
                                Cooper, McAbee, Williams, Wells,
                                Trotter, Davenport and Carnell
Drafted Document Number:        pfm\7069bdw.95
Date Bill Passed both Bodies:   19950529
Date of Last Amendment:         19950523
Governor's Action:              S
Date of Governor's Action:      19950612
Subject:                        Rabbit season revised


Body    Date      Action Description                       Com     Leg Involved
______  ________  _______________________________________  _______ ____________

------  19950612  Act No. A91
------  19950612  Signed by Governor
------  19950606  Ratified R144
House   19950529  Concurred in Senate amendment,
                  enrolled for ratification
Senate  19950523  Amended, read third time,
                  returned to House with amendments
Senate  19950523  Reconsidered vote whereby read
                  third time and enrolled
Senate  19950523  Recalled from Legislative Council
Senate  19950518  Read third time, enrolled for
Senate  19950517  Read second time, unanimous consent
                  for third reading on Thursday,
Senate  19950517  Recalled from Committee                  07 SFGF
Senate  19950330  Introduced, read first time,             07 SFGF
                  referred to Committee
House   19950329  Read third time, sent to Senate
House   19950328  Amended, read second time
House   19950322  Committee report: Favorable with         20 HANR
House   19950131  Introduced, read first time,             20 HANR
                  referred to Committee

View additional legislative information at the LPITS web site.

(Text matches printed bills. Document has been reformatted to meet World Wide Web specifications.)

(A91, R144, H3413)


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

Rabbit season revised; night defined

SECTION 1. Section 50-11-120 of the 1976 Code, as last amended by Act 495 of 1994, is further amended to read:

"Section 50-11-120. (A) Except as specified in this section the season for hunting small game is Thanksgiving Day through March first. However, there is no open season on grouse except in Game Zone 1.

(1) Game Zone 1:

(a) rabbit: March second through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons and with dogs only, day and night; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons and dogs, day only;

(b) squirrel: October first through March first with weapons and dogs;

(c) fox: year round but no weapons may be used January second through August fifteenth;

(d) raccoon and opossum: October fifteenth through March first with weapons and dogs; August fifteenth through October fourteenth and March second through May fourteenth without weapons and with dogs only;

(e) quail: October first through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons;

(2) Game Zone 2:

(a) rabbit: March second through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons and with dogs only, day and night; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons and dogs, day only;

(b) squirrel: October first through March first with weapons and dogs;

(c) fox: year round but no weapons may be used January second through August fifteenth;

(d) raccoon and opossum: October fifteenth through March first with weapons and dogs; August fifteenth through October fourteenth and March second through May fourteenth without weapons and with dogs only;

(e) quail: October first through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons;

(3) Game Zone 3:

(a) rabbit: March second through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons and with dogs only, day and night; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons and dogs, day only;

(b) squirrel: October first through March first with weapons and dogs;

(c) fox: year round but no weapons may be used January second through August fifteenth;

(d) raccoon and opossum: September fifteenth through March fifteenth with weapons and dogs; August fifteenth through September fourteenth and March sixteenth through May fourteenth without weapons and with dogs only;

(e) quail: October first through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons;

(4) Game Zone 4:

(a) rabbit: March second through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons and with dogs only, day and night; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons and dogs, day only;

(b) squirrel: October first through March first with dogs and weapons;

(c) fox: year round but no weapons may be used February fifteenth through August fifteenth;

(d) raccoon and opossum: October fifteenth through March first with weapons and dogs; August fifteenth through October fourteenth and March second through May fourteenth without weapons and with dogs only;

(e) quail: October first through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons;

(5) Game Zone 5:

(a) rabbit: March second through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons and with dogs only, day and night; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons and dogs, day only;

(b) squirrel: October first through March first with weapons and dogs;

(c) fox: year round but no weapons may be used January second through August fifteenth;

(d) raccoon and opossum: September fifteenth through March fifteenth with weapons and dogs; August fifteenth through September fourteenth and March sixteenth through May fourteenth without weapons and with dogs only;

(e) quail: October first through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons;

(6) Game Zone 6:

(a) rabbit: March second through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons and with dogs only, day and night; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons and dogs, day only;

(b) squirrel: October first through March first with dogs and weapons;

(c) fox: year round but no weapons may be used January second through August fifteenth. There is no closed season for the running of foxes with dogs for the purpose of training the dogs in a private enclosed fox-hunting-dog-training facility;

(d) raccoon and opossum: September fifteenth through March fifteenth with weapons and dogs; August fifteenth through September fourteenth and March sixteenth through May fourteenth without weapons and with dogs only;

(e) quail: Monday before Thanksgiving Day through the first Saturday in March with weapons; October first through the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day without weapons;

(7) Game Zone 7:

(a) rabbit: March second through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons and with dogs only, day and night; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons and dogs, day only;

(b) squirrel: October first through March first with dogs and weapons;

(c) fox: year round but no weapons may be used January second through August fifteenth;

(d) raccoon and opossum: September fifteenth through March fifteenth with weapons and dogs; August fifteenth through September fourteenth and March sixteenth through May fourteenth without weapons and with dogs only;

(e) mink: September fifteenth through March first;

(f) muskrat: September fifteenth through March first;

(g) otter: September fifteenth through March first;

(h) quail: October first through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons;

(8) Game Zone 8:

(a) rabbit: March second through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons and with dogs only, day and night; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons and dogs, day only;

(b) squirrel: October first through March first with weapons and dogs;

(c) fox: year round but no weapons may be used January second through August fifteenth;

(d) raccoon and opossum: September fifteenth through March fifteenth with weapons and dogs; August fifteenth through September fourteenth and March sixteenth through May fourteenth without weapons and with dogs only;

(e) quail: October first through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons;

(9) Game Zone 9:

(a) rabbit: March second through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons and with dogs only, day and night; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons and dogs, day only;

(b) squirrel: October first through March first with weapons and dogs;

(c) quail: Thanksgiving Day through the first Saturday in March;

(d) fox: year round without weapons; with weapons September first through January first;

(e) raccoon and opossum: September first through October fourteenth; March second through March thirty-first without weapons and with dogs only; October fifteenth through March first with weapons and dogs. All hunting of raccoon and opossum in Game Zone 9 must be at night. Night as used in this section is that time between official sunset one day and official sunrise the following day;

(f) mink: November first through March first;

(g) muskrat: November first through March first;

(h) otter: November first through March first;

(i) skunk: November first through March first;

(j) quail: October first through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons;

(10) Game Zone 10:

(a) rabbit: March second through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons and with dogs only, day and night; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons and dogs, day only;

(b) squirrel: October first through March first with weapons and dogs;

(c) fox: year round but without weapons January second through August fifteenth;

(d) raccoon and opossum: September fifteenth through March fifteenth with weapons and dogs; August fifteenth through September fourteenth and March sixteenth through May fourteenth without weapons and with dogs only;

(e) mink: September fifteenth through March first;

(f) muskrat: September fifteenth through March first;

(g) otter: September fifteenth through March first;

(h) quail: October first through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons;

(11) Game Zone 11:

(a) rabbit: March second through the day before Thanksgiving Day without weapons and with dogs only, day and night; Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons and dogs, day only;

(b) squirrel: October first through March first with weapons and dogs;

(c) fox: year round but without weapons January second through August fifteenth;

(d) raccoon and opossum: September fifteenth through March fifteenth with weapons and dogs; August fifteenth through September fourteenth and March sixteenth through May fourteenth without weapons and with dogs only.

(e) quail: Monday before Thanksgiving Day through March first with weapons; October first through the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day without weapons;

(B) In all game zones it is lawful to run rabbits with dogs at any time during the year in enclosures approved by the department.

(C) The season dates in this section are inclusive, except as otherwise provided. It is unlawful to hunt a game animal except during the seasons provided and as specified in this section. Unless otherwise specified during a small game season when weapons are allowed, dogs also may be used.

(D) As used in this section where night hunting is authorized, `night' means the time between one hour after official sundown of a day and one hour before official sunrise the following day."

Time effective

SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.

Approved the 12th day of June, 1995.