South Carolina General Assembly
112th Session, 1997-1998

Bill 3401

Indicates Matter Stricken
Indicates New Matter

                    Current Status

Bill Number:                       3401
Type of Legislation:               General Bill GB
Introducing Body:                  House
Introduced Date:                   19970227
Primary Sponsor:                   Ways and Means Committee HWM
All Sponsors:                      Ways and Means Committee
Drafted Document Number:           dka\4163htc.97
Residing Body:                     Senate
Current Committee:                 Finance Committee 06 SF
Date of Last Amendment:            19970306
Subject:                           Supplemental Appropriations,
                                   Acts Cited, State, General;
                                   Taxation, property


Body    Date      Action Description                       Com     Leg Involved
______  ________  _______________________________________  _______ ____________
Senate  19970312  Introduced, read first time,             06 SF
                  referred to Committee
House   19970311  Read third time, sent to Senate
House   19970306  Amended, read second time
House   19970303  Set for Special Order
House   19970227  Introduced, read first time

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(Text matches printed bills. Document has been reformatted to meet World Wide Web specifications.)


Indicates Matter Stricken
Indicates New Matter


March 6, 1997

H. 3401

Introduced by Ways and Means Committee

S. Printed 3/10/97--H.

Read the first time February 27, 1997.



Amend Title To Conform

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

SECTION 1. The sources of general fund surplus revenues appropriated in this bill are as follows:

(1) Fiscal year 1996-97 BEA estimated surplus$89,929,045

(2) Fiscal year 1996-99 setaside

pursuant to Section 11-11-14052,422,258

(3) Citadel lapse funds 2,960,000

Total, all sources $145,311,303

SECTION 2. The following sums are appropriated from the general fund of the State to supplement appropriations made for the expenses of state government in the annual general appropriations act for fiscal year 1997-98 to the extent that unobligated surplus revenues are available:

(1) General Reserve Trust Fund Transfer

July 1997 Contribution 3,373,537

(2) Property Tax Relief Fund Transfer 23,484,085

(3) Debt Service - Nonrecurring Payment1,551,784

(3.1) Pursuant to the provisions of Article X, Section 13 of the South Carolina Constitution, and notwithstanding any other provision of law, the funds provided herein are to be used for debt service costs.

(4) Aid to Subdivisions - State Treasurer

Local Government Fund21,812,494

(5) Aid to Subdivisions - Comptroller General

Property Tax Bill Counties250,000

(5.1) The Department of Revenue shall use the funds provided to assist local governments in implementing the uniform property tax bill format requirements provided in Section 12-43-350 of the 1976 Code as amended in this act.

(6) Department of Education

(a) Bus Shop Parts & Gas1,923,000

(b) Hold Harmless - Fringe Equity8,500,000

(c) Instructional Materials8,627,354

(7) Governor's Office - Governor's School for the Arts

Operations 600,000

(8) Commission on Higher Education

Performance Funding4,625,000

(9) Technical and Comp. Education

TEC Special Schools5,000,000

(10) Commission on Higher Education - SC Alliance

for Minority Participation (SCAMP)600,000

(11) USC Columbia - Institute of Public Affairs500,000

(12) Commission on Higher Education - Experimental

Prog. To Stimulate Research (EPSCoR)2,500,000

(13) Dept. of Health and Human Services

(a) Medicaid Client Growth9,387,281

(b) Nursing Home Cost Rebase5,000,000

(c) Additional nursing home beds2,000,000

(d) Dept. Of Mental Health Patient Fee Account 1,000,000

(14) Department of Disabilities and Special Needs

State match change for Medicaid funding1,174,000

(15) Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse

Services - Continue the Bridge treatment program300,000

(16) Department of Social Services

(a) Annualization of emotionally disturbed


(b) Increase funding for adoptive assistance/

foster care 3,000,000

(17) Department of Archives and History

SC History Center Relocation268,240

(18) Clemson PSA

Agri systems productivity and profitability2,000,000

(19) Department of Archives and History

(a) National Reg. Site - Films on Internet29,000

(b) Microfilming historical county records75,000

(20) State Library - Library services6,500

(21) Arts Commission

(a) Strategic Arts Partnerships110,000

(b) Rural Art Program Development20,000

(21.1) Of the funds appropriated in this item, $20,000 must be expended to assist the Williamsburg County Arts Council in developing cultural programs.

(22) Department of Archives and History

Matching funds for federal grants50,000

(23) Clemson PSA

Flax production and Plant pest survey100,000

(24) Department of Natural Resources

(a) Agency-wide maintenance175,000

(b) Water Resources: aquatic plant

management program500,000

(c) Heritage Trust 100,000

(25) Department of Parks, Recreation and

Tourism - US Youth Games25,000

(25.1) Of the funds appropriated in this item, $25,000 is allocated to reimburse the US Youth Games for expenses incurred for activities held in this State.

(26) Department of Commerce

(a) Exchange rate shortfall264,000

(b) Advertising and marketing200,000

(27) Judicial Department - Equipment171,000

(28) Department of Corrections - Operating costs

4 facilities 1,092,950

(29) Department of Probation, Parole and

Pardon Services - Restitution Act109,600

(30) Department of Juvenile Justice

CCA/Relocate 400 juveniles5,000,000

(31) Governor's Office-SLED/DNA Grants110,000

(32) Attorney General

(a) Medicaid Fraud Unit 39,316

(b) Violence Against Women Act45,849

(c) Hate Crime Unit 5,703

(33) Office of Appellate Defense

(a) Administration (personnel)10,000

(b) Administration (operating)330,000

(34) Commission on Indigent Defense

(a) Maintaining standards (personnel)1,500

(b) Maintaining standards (local level funding)471,284

(35) Department of Public Safety

Auto Insurance Enforcement1,602,403

(35.1) The amount appropriated in this item for the Auto Insurance Enforcement Program must be used to provide for the costs of enforcing and administering the provisions of Article 3, Chapter 10, Title 56 of the 1976 Code. These funds must be used to support the twenty-five officers dedicated to the insurance requirements relating to motor vehicle registration and may not be transferred or used for any other purpose.

(36) Judicial Department

Division of Finance - Equipment18,000

(37) Department of Corrections

(a) Medical contract costs780,000

(b) Substance abuse facility650,375

(c) Operating expenses - Institutional Maint.284,150

(38) Judicial Department

(a) Court of Appeals - Bailiff - furnishings8,000

(b) Court of Appeals (2 attorneys furnishing/

automation) 16,000

(39) Department of Juvenile Justice

(a) Assessment/classification - operating304,488

(b) Medical Services/CCA179,158

(c) Attorney fees 763,000

(d) Programs and services2,095,311

(40) House of Representatives

Southern Legislative Conference125,000

(40.1) Funds appropriated in the amount of $125,000 for the annual meeting of the Southern Legislative Conference lapse to the general fund if this State is not selected as the 1998 host state.

(41) Adjutant General

Matching Funds - Emerg. Prep.250,000

(41.1) Funds appropriated in this item to the Adjutant General for Emergency Preparedness for the potential loss of federal funds lapse to the general fund if federal funds are received.

(42) Budget and Control Board - Executive Director

(a) Statewide Performance Audit400,000

(b) SC Prepaid Tuition Plan400,000

(42.1) Part VI, Section 2 of Act 458 of 1996 created a Performance Audit Steering Committee which was directed to retain independent contractors to conduct performance audits in all aspects of state government. For fiscal year 1997-98, the Performance Audit Steering Committee may direct agencies audited under this directive to pay up to one-half of the cost of the audit. No state agency with an appropriation of less than $2,500,000 in state general funds is required to pay any cost of the audit.

(43) Budget and Control Board - Operations

(a) Local Government Grants2,500,000

(b) Infrastructure Revolving Loan Fund4,250,000

(44) Budget and Control Board -Employee Benefits

Health & Dental Premiums - Retiree Growth1,540,000

(45) Budget and Control Board - Executive Director

Hurricane Fran Federal Match625,000

Total Supplemental Appropriations145,309,362

SECTION 3. A. Section 12-43-350 of the 1976 Code, as added by Act 145 of 1995, is amended to read:

"Section 12-43-350. Affected political subdivisions must use a tax bill for real property which must contain contains standard information and include the following as follows:

(1) name and address of owner;

(2) tax map number;

(3) location of property;

(4) appraised value;

(5) assessed value;

(6) assessed ratio;

(7) millage for each tax district;

(8) receipt number;

(9) total tax liability for current year;

(10) state property tax relief benefit (savings);

(11) local option sales tax credit.

(1) tax year;

(2) tax map number;

(3) property location;

(4) appraised value, taxable;

(5) tax amount;

(6) state homestead tax exemption, if applicable;

(7) state property tax relief, if applicable;

(8) local option sales tax credit, if applicable;

(9) any applicable fees;

(10) total tax due;

(11) tax due with penalties and applicable dates;

(12) prior year amount paid-only required to be shown if assessment is unchanged from prior year, except during reassessment years, in which case all properties must show the prior year tax amount.

The information required pursuant to this section must be contained in a 'boxed' area measuring at least three inches square placed on the right side of the tax bill."

B. This section takes effect January 1, 1998, and first applies for real property tax bills for property tax year 1998.

SECTION 4. The appropriations in Section 2 of this bill are listed in priority order beginning with item (1) and each separate appropriation item or subitem must be fully funded before the next item or subitem in order is paid. Unexpended funds appropriated pursuant to this bill may be carried forward to succeeding fiscal years and expended for the same purposes.

SECTION 5. Except as otherwise stated this bill takes effect upon approval by the Governor, but no appropriation in Section 2 may be paid until thirty days after the Comptroller General closes the state's books on fiscal year 1996-97.
