South Carolina General Assembly
122nd Session, 2017-2018
Journal of the House of Representatives

Printed Page 1175 . . . . . Friday, February 10, 2017

Indicates Matter Stricken
Indicates New Matter

The House assembled at 10:00 a.m.
Deliberations were opened with prayer by Rev. Charles E. Seastrunk, Jr., as follows:

Our thought for today is from 2 Kings 5:13: "Father, if the prophet had commanded you to do something difficult, would you not have done it?"

Let us pray. Patient God, thank You for Your love and forgiveness. Help us to be humble enough to receive it. Bless us now as we go into the weekend. Give us rest and renew our resolve so we may be alert to the work of the week before us. In Your love and grace, remember our Nation, President, State, Governor, Speaker, staff, and all who contribute to the work here. Bless and protect our first responders and those who defend us. Heal the wounds, those seen and those hidden, of our men and women who suffer and sacrifice for our freedom. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayers. Amen.

After corrections to the Journal of the proceedings of yesterday, the SPEAKER ordered it confirmed.


At 10:19 a.m. the House, in accordance with the ruling of the SPEAKER, adjourned to meet at 12:00 noon, Tuesday, February 14.


This web page was last updated on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at 4:18 P.M.