South Carolina Legislature


Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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H 3794 General Bill, By R.S. Corning, J. Rama and D.A. Wright
    A Bill to amend Title 59, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to education, by adding Chapter 137 so as to provide for early intervention programs for preschool-age handicapped children; to amend Section 59-63-20, as amended, relating to pupils and age of attendance in the public schools, so as to delete the provision that four-year-olds may attend optional child development programs and to provide that three-, four-, and five-year-old handicapped children may attend early intervention programs; to amend Section 59-20-40, as amended, relating to the South Carolina Education Finance Act of 1977 and the determination of annual allocations and weightings, so as to include under "pupil classification" the category of "preschool-age handicapped pupils" and to establish a weighting; and to provide that of the funding appropriated by the General Assembly to implement the provisions of this Act, initial funding must be made available to the school districts of the State for implementation beginning with school year 1990-91.
03/30/89House Introduced and read first time HJ-5
03/30/89House Referred to Committee on Education and Public Works HJ-6

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