South Carolina Legislature


Session 111 - (1995-1996)Printer Friendly
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H 3843 General Bill, By J.L.M. Cromer, J. Brown and Robinson
    A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 56-5-3910 so as to prohibit persons under fifteen years of age from standing or sitting in the open bed of a pickup truck or trailer under certain circumstances, and to provide penalties.
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03/22/95House Introduced and read first time HJ-13
03/22/95House Referred to Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-14
05/18/95House Committee report: Favorable with amendment Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-37
05/23/95House Objection by Rep. Knotts & Kennedy HJ-151
05/24/95House Objection by Rep. Fleming, Cooper, Sharpe, Rhoad & Witherspoon HJ-20
05/25/95House Objection withdrawn by Rep. Knotts HJ-68
05/30/95House Objection withdrawn by Rep. Witherspoon HJ-15
01/18/96House Continued HJ-24
01/18/96House Roll call Yeas-76 Nays-28 HJ-26

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