South Carolina Legislature

    Chaplain James I. St. John

Chaplain James I. St. John photo

Columbia Address

P.O. Box 142
Columbia 29202

Business Phone (803) 212-6628

Cell Phone (803) 530-9394

Personal Information

  • Retired Pastor
  • Born March 19, 1939
  • Son of the late Ivan S. and Kathryn (McCreary) St. John
  • Wofford College, B.A., 1961
  • University of South Carolina, M.A., 1969
  • Columbia Theological Seminary, D.Min., 1978
  • July 20, 1963 married Ann Beatrice Hendrix, 1 child, Melissa St. John Raith
  • Ordained, Presbyterian Church, USA, 1978
  • Named Pastor Emeritus, Forest Lake Presbyterian Church, Columbia, 2005
  • Previously served 2007-2016


Legislative Services Agency
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