South Carolina Planning Education Advisory Committee Title Banner and State Seal
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Section 1. The name of the organization shall be South Carolina Advisory Committee on Educational Requirements for Local Government Planning or Zoning Officials And Employees, doing business as the SC Planning Education Advisory Committee (the Committee).



Section 1. The Committee is organized and existing pursuant to the authority of The Governor and Legislature of the State of South Carolina.

Section 2. The Committee shall exist for the purposes set forth in § 6-29-1310 (et. Seq.) South Carolina Code of Laws, as existing and from time to time amended.



Section 1. The membership of The Committee shall consist of those persons appointed by the Governor.

Section 2. A current active member is a properly appointed member who has not submitted a letter of resignation to the Governor.

Section 3. Any member may be recommended for removal to the Office of the Governor for good or sufficient cause by a majority vote of the Committee.

Section 4. Any member may resign from the Committee upon written notice to the Office of the Governor. Such resignation shall be effective upon acceptance by the Governor.

Section 5. A vacancy in membership shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner provided for in Sec. 1.



Section 1. Each year, at the first regular meeting of the Committee, members shall elect a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and such other officers as may from time to time be designated or required by law. Term of office shall be for 1 year (s). Officers may succeed themselves.

Section 2. The Chairman shall preside at all Committee meetings. The Chairman may establish and appoint any Subcommittees deemed necessary by the Committee, or as set forth in these bylaws.

Section 3. The Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman in the absence of the Chairman or in the event of the Chairman’s inability to act. The Vice-Chairman shall have such other powers and duties as may be designated by the Chairman.

In the event that the Chairman resigns or is removed from office or the Chairman resigns or is removed as a member of the Committee, the Vice-Chairman shall become the Chairman and a new Vice-Chairman shall be elected at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Committee.

Section 4. Officers may be removed from office with or without cause by a majority vote of the Committee at any regular or special meeting of the Committee. The office holder in question will be given every opportunity to present information, answer questions, and address the Committee. Efforts made to ensure the attendance of the office holder in question shall be noted in the minutes of that particular meeting.

Section 5. Officers may resign from office upon written notice to the Committee. Such resignation shall be effective immediately upon receipt by the Committee.

Section 6. In the event that both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman are not present for a regular or called meeting of the Committee, an Acting Chairman shall be elected from the quorum present to conduct the meeting.



Section 1.Regular meetings of the Committee shall be conducted quarterly at a time and place published in advance in accordance with the provisions of the SCFOIA or at such other times as may be deemed necessary by its members. Meetings shall be held in a place open and accessible to the general public.

Section 2. Special meetings may be held upon the call of the chair or upon the written request of at least two active members of the Committee. No business except that stated in the notice of the meeting may be conducted at the special meeting.

Section 3. Emergency meetings may be held upon the call of the Office of the Governor. No business except that stated in the notice of the meeting may be conducted at the emergency meeting.

Section 4. At all meetings of the Committee business shall be transacted by a majority vote of a quorum of all current, active members. Any action taken shall be deemed to be the action of the full Committee. Unless otherwise stated in the bylaws or required by law, a quorum for all meetings is defined at as fifty-percent plus one (50%+1), of the membership. The Chairman may vote on any matter before the Committee.

Section 5. Upon the occurrence of two unexcused absences from the meetings of the Committee, the Office of the Governor shall be notified and removal of the member will be recommended. The Committee upon a majority vote, shall have the sole authority to determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused.



Section 1. The Chairman may appoint a Budget Subcommittee to recommend an annual operating budget and oversee and report on the financial affairs of the Committee. The Chairman shall serve as a member of this Subcommittee. The Chairman shall appoint a chairman of the Budget Subcommittee.

Section 2. The Chairman may appoint, with the approval of the Committee, other Subcommittees as may be required from time to time to assist the Committee.

Section 3. All committee Subcommittees shall consist of less than a quorum of the Committee. The purpose of any Subcommittee is to provide information and recommendation to the membership of the Committee. No Subcommittee is authorized to take any formal action that commits the Committee to act in any manner.



Section 1. The Committee recognizes that one of its greatest assets is the knowledge, experience, and counsel provided by its members. The Committee further recognizes that its members may have private interests, either personally or in a representative capacity, in matters that come before the Committee. If such interests exist, the member should disclose the interests to the Committee as soon as it becomes apparent to that member.

Section 2. For the purpose of this article, a private interest means an interest distinct from that of the general public. It does not include an interest that accrues to the Committee member as a member of a profession, occupation, or a large class to no greater extent than the interest of potential benefit could reasonably be foreseen to accrue to all other members of the profession, occupation, or large class, as required by the State Ethics Act.

Section 3. Members having a substantial private interest in matters to be considered by the Committee should disclose all facts to the membership that might be helpful to the Committee in making a decision, but that member should refrain from voting on that specific matter.

Section 4. All members should conduct themselves at all times in such a way that their conduct shall not bring discredit upon the South Carolina Advisory Committee On Educational Requirements For Local Government Planning Or Zoning Officials And Employees. All members should conduct themselves at all times to avoid the appearance of impropriety.



Section 1.These bylaws may be amended by a majority of the Committee according to the procedures set forth in this article.

Section 2. Changes to these bylaws may be recommended by a Subcommittee appointed by the Chairman for this purpose or suggested by any member of the Committee. Proposed changes may be adopted accomplished at any properly called and noticed regular, special, or emergency meeting. Members must be provided a written copy of any recommended or suggested changes to these bylaws at least one month prior to any vote to approve the changes.

Section 3. Written or confirmed electronic notice must be made to each Committee member at least twenty-four hours prior to any meeting held for the purpose of amending these bylaws. Each notice of such meeting must clearly set forth the proposed changes that are to be considered.



Section 1. The Committee shall conduct its meeting in accordance with the procedures as set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order, latest revised edition, except where these bylaws, or the laws of the State of South Carolina, provide otherwise.

Adopted by the authority of the South Carolina Advisory Committee on Educational Requirements for Local Government Planning Or Zoning Officials And Employees this 25th day of January, 2005.

By: __________________________


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