South Carolina General Assembly
126th Session, 2025-2026

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H. 3523


General Bill
Sponsors: Reps. J.E. Johnson, W. Newton, Robbins, Mitchell, Pedalino, Taylor, Long, Bailey, Calhoon, Yow, Weeks, Erickson, Bradley, Hager, Whitmire, Hixon, Cromer, Gilreath, Oremus and Hartz
Companion/Similar bill(s): 159
Document Path: LC-0071AHB25.docx

Introduced in the House on January 14, 2025
Currently residing in the House

Summary: Organized Retail Crime


Date Body Action Description with journal page number
12/5/2024 House Prefiled
12/5/2024 House Referred to Committee on Judiciary
1/14/2025 House Introduced and read first time (House Journal-page 233)
1/14/2025 House Referred to Committee on Judiciary (House Journal-page 233)
1/29/2025 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Bailey
2/5/2025 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Calhoon
2/6/2025 House Committee report: Favorable Judiciary (House Journal-page 6)
2/12/2025 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Yow, Weeks, Erickson, Bradley, Hager, Whitmire
2/12/2025 House Debate adjourned until Thur., 2-13-25 (House Journal-page 41)
2/13/2025 House Member(s) request name added as sponsor: Hixon, Cromer, Gilreath, Oremus, Hartz
2/13/2025 House Read second time
2/13/2025 House Roll call Yeas-101 Nays-0
2/13/2025 House Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day

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Committee Report

February 6, 2025

H. 3523

Introduced by Reps. J. E. Johnson, W. Newton, Robbins, Mitchell, Pedalino, Taylor, Long, Bailey and Calhoon

S. Printed 2/6/25--H.

Read the first time January 14, 2025


The committee on House Judiciary

To whom was referred a Bill (H. 3523) to amend the South Carolina Code of Laws by amending Section 16-13-135, relating to the offense of retail theft and associated penalties, so as to revise necessary, etc., respectfully


That they have duly and carefully considered the same, and recommend that the same do pass:

W. NEWTON for Committee.

statement of estimated fiscal impact

Explanation of Fiscal Impact

State Expenditure

This bill provides that the following offenses are unlawful misdemeanor or felony offenses for retail theft:

Committing theft of retail property (to now include merchandise credit) from a retail establishment in a value exceeding $2,000, aggregated over a 90-day period when the offender has the intent to cause the property to be placed in the control of a retail property fence or other person for consideration; and

Conspiring with another person to commit theft of retail property (to now include merchandise credit) from a retail establishment in a value exceeding $2,000, aggregated over a 90-day period, when the offender has the intent to cause the property to be placed in the control of a retail property fence or other person for consideration; or illegally or fraudulently obtain confidential data or consumer personally identifiable information for the purpose of converting it into financial gain.

The bill also provides that any property, funds, or interest a person has acquired or maintained in violation of these provisions are subject to forfeiture and modifies the penalty schedules for retail theft including fines and imprisonment.

This bill may result in an increase in the number of circuit court cases and potentially the number of incarcerations, which may increase the workload of the court system and the Commission of Indigent Defense, the Commission on Prosecution Coordination, the Department of Corrections, and the Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services. The potential increase in expenses for each agency will depend upon the increase in the number of cases and number of incarcerations. These agencies anticipate that the potential increase in caseload can be managed within existing appropriations. For information, according to Corrections, in FY 2023-24, the annual total cost per inmate was $40,429, of which $36,553 was state funded.


State Revenue

This bill may result in a change in the fines and fees collected in court. Court fines and fees are distributed to the General Fund, Other Funds, and local funds. Therefore, the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office (RFA) anticipates this bill may result a change to General Fund and Other Funds revenue due to the change in fines and fees collections in court.

Frank A. Rainwater, Executive Director

Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office


A bill


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

SECTION 1.   Section 16-13-135 of the S.C. Code is amended to read:

   Section 16-13-135.   (A) As used in this section:

      (1) "Organized retail crime" means two or more people conspiring to commit theft of retail property from a retail establishment with the intent to sell, barter, exchange, or reenter such retail property into commerce for monetary or other gain.

      (1)(2) "Retail property" means a newan article, merchandise, property, money or negotiable documents including gift cards or other forms of credit, productproducts, commoditycommodities, itemitems, or componentcomponents intended to be sold in retail commerce.

      (2)(3) "Retail property fence" means a person or business that buys retail property knowing or believing that the retail property is stolen.

      (3)(4) "Theft" means to take possession of, carry away, transfer, or cause to be carried away the retail property of another with the intent to stealdeprive the merchant of the possession, use, benefit, and value of the retail property.

      (4)(5) "Value" means the retail value of an item as offered for sale to the public by the affected retail establishment and includes all applicable taxes.

   (B) It is unlawful for a person to:

      (1) commit theft of retail property from a retail establishmentorganized retail crime, with a value exceeding two thousand dollars aggregated over a ninety-day period, with the intent to sell the retail property for monetary or other gain, and sell, barter, take, or cause the retail property to be placed in the control of a retail property fence or other person in exchange for consideration; or

      (2) conspire with another person to commit theft of retail property from a retail establishment, with a value exceeding two thousand dollars aggregated over a ninety-day period, with the intent to:

         (a) sell, barter, or exchange the retail property for monetary or other gain; or

         (b) place the retail property in the control of a retail property fence or other person in exchange for consideration; or

      (3)(2) receive, possess, or sell retail property that has been taken or stolen in violation of item (1) or (2) while knowing or having reasonable grounds to believe the property is stolen. A person is guilty of this offense whether or not anyone is convicted of the property theft.

   (C) Acts committed in different counties that have been aggregated in one count may be indicted and prosecuted in any one of the counties in which the acts occurred. In a prosecution for a violation of this section, the State is not required to establish and it is not a defense that some of the acts constituting the crime did not occur within one city, county, or local jurisdiction. However, nothing in this subsection may be interpreted to allow a circuit solicitor or persons in the circuit solicitor's employ to prosecute cases outside of the circuit where the circuit solicitor was elected without the consent of the resident circuit solicitor.

   (D) Property, funds, and interest a person has acquired or maintained in violation of this section are subject to forfeiture pursuant to the procedures for forfeiture as provided in Section 44-53-530.

   (E) A person who violates this section commits the offense of organized retail crime, and:

      (1) for a first offense, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than five thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than three years, or both; and

      (2) for a second or subsequent offense, is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than ten thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than twenty years, or both.

      (1) for a first offense:

         (a) is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than five thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than three years, or both, if the value of the retail property is more than two thousand dollars but less than ten thousand dollars;

         (b) is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than ten thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both, if the value of the retail property is more than ten thousand dollars but less than twenty thousand dollars;

         (c) is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than twenty thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than ten years, or both, if the value of the retail property is more than twenty thousand dollars but less than fifty thousand dollars;

         (d) is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than fifty thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than twenty years, or both, if the value of the retail property is more than fifty thousand dollars;

      (2) for a second or subsequent offense, is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, regardless of the value of the retail property in any offense, must be fined not more than fifty thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than twenty years, or both;

      (3) for purposes of this section, multiple offenses occurring within a ninety-day period may be aggregated into a single count with the aggregated value used to determine the total value of the property;

      (4) organized retail crime is a lesser-included offense of organized retail crime of an aggravated nature as provided in subsection (F).

   (F)(1) A person commits the offense of organized retail crime of an aggravated nature if, while committing the offense of organized retail crime, the person wilfully and maliciously:

         (a) damages, destroys, or defaces real or personal property in excess of two thousand dollars; or

         (b) causes moderate bodily injury or great bodily injury to another person. "Moderate bodily injury" and "great bodily injury" have the same meanings as defined in Section 16-3-600.

      (2) A person convicted of organized retail crime of an aggravated nature is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be fined not more than fifty thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than fifteen years, or both.

SECTION 2.   The repeal or amendment by this act of any law, whether temporary or permanent or civil or criminal, does not affect pending actions, rights, duties, or liabilities founded thereon, or alter, discharge, release or extinguish any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred under the repealed or amended law, unless the repealed or amended provision shall so expressly provide.  After the effective date of this act, all laws repealed or amended by this act must be taken and treated as remaining in full force and effect for the purpose of sustaining any pending or vested right, civil action, special proceeding, criminal prosecution, or appeal existing as of the effective date of this act, and for the enforcement of rights, duties, penalties, forfeitures, and liabilities as they stood under the repealed or amended laws.

SECTION 3.   This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.


This web page was last updated on February 13, 2025 at 1:52 PM