South Carolina Legislature

Vote History: H 3440 - Session 121 (2015-2016)
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Searching: All Votes - found 7
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Date/Time Motion Vote# Yeas Nays N/V Exc.
Pres. Abstain/
Total Result
06/15/2016 07:59 pmOverride VETO[H]-1663693318300123Passed
06/15/2016 07:51 pmtable motion to reconsider H. 3440 Veto[H]-1662187428300123Failed
06/15/2016 02:21 pmOverride VETO[H]-162565479200123Failed
06/02/2016 03:37 pmConcur in Senate Amendments[H]-1609683118500122Passed
06/02/2016 01:22 pm3rd Reading[S]-1127411400046Passed
01/14/2016 10:42 amTable Motion to Adjourn Debate[H]-921524322700124Passed
01/13/2016 03:12 pmPassage of Bill[H]-918674111500124Passed

Legislative Services Agency
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