South Carolina Legislature

The South Carolina House of Representatives consists of 124 part-time citizen legislators elected every two years to represent our state's 124 separate single-member districts. The current House membership is made up of 88 Republicans and 34 Democrats with 2 vacancies. As outlined by our State's Constitution, the General Assembly's annual session begins on the second Tuesday in January and runs through the second Thursday in May.

Speaker G. Murrell Smith, Jr. photo
Welcome to the heart of our state's legislative process: the House of Representatives. The House is often called the "People's House", as it stands as the part of our government closest to its constituency. Our work here is guided by a deep sense of responsibility to the people we serve.

As Speaker of the House, I am honored to lead a dedicated group of legislators who work tirelessly on behalf of the people they represent to shape policy, pass meaningful legislation, and drive positive change. We understand the impact our decisions have on the lives of every South Carolinian, and we take that responsibility seriously.

Thank you for your trust in our leadership, and we are confident that together we are building a bright future for South Carolina.

Murrell Smith
Speaker of the House
South Carolina House of Representatives

House Meeting Schedule

Thursday, February 6, 2025 - 7:31:40 am

Today's Meetings

Upcoming Meetings

  • Friday, February 7, 8:00 am -- Blatt Room 110 -- SC Commission on Indigent Defense

  • Friday, February 7, 8:00 am -- Blatt Room 112 And Breakout Rooms: Blatt 108, Blatt 305 Blatt 317, Blatt 318, Blatt 321, -- Teen Pact South Carolina

  • Monday, February 10, 1:00 pm -- Blatt Room 433 -- SC Education Oversight Full Committee

  • Tuesday, February 11, 8:00 am -- Blatt Room 409 -- Legislative Group: Rep. April Cromer

  • Tuesday, February 11, 8:30 am -- Blatt Room 110 -- Law Enforcement, Criminal and Civil Justice Subcommittee of the Legislative Oversight Committee

  • Tuesday, February 11, 1.5 hours after adjournment of the House -- Blatt Room 403 -- Business and Commerce Subcommittee of the House Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee

  • Tuesday, February 11, 1.5 Hours after House adjournment -- Blatt Room 427 -- 3-M Full Committee

  • Thursday, February 13, 30 minutes after the House adjourns -- Blatt Room 427 -- Law Enforcement, Criminal and Civil Justice Subcommittee of the Legislative Oversight Committee

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