
Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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S 1042 Concurrent Resolution, By Setzler
A Concurrent Resolution to direct the State Board of Education to transfer to the Commission on Higher Education such personnel, funds, and other items under its jurisdiction necessary for the Commission on Higher Education to implement the provisions of S.857 which revises Chapter 59 of Title 59 of the 1976 Code relating to proprietary schools.
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A Concurrent Resolution to direct the State Board of Education to transfer to the Commission on Higher Education such personnel, funds, and other items under its jurisdiction necessary for the Commission on Higher Education to implement the provisions of S.857 which revises Chapter 59 of Title 59 of the 1976 Code relating to proprietary schools.
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06/06/91 | Senate | Introduced, adopted, sent to House SJ-10 |
01/14/92 | House | Introduced HJ-175 |
01/14/92 | House | Referred to Committee on Education and Public Works HJ-175 |
02/04/92 | House | Tabled in committee |