
Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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S 1209 General Bill, By Saleeby, Land, McConnell, P.B. McLeod and T.H. Pope
A Bill to amend Section 38-72-20, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the intentions and exceptions of the Long Term Care Insurance Act, so as to delete the provision that a policy not advertised, marketed, or offered as long term care insurance or nursing home insurance need not meet the requirements of the Act; Section 38-72-40, relating to definitions pertaining to the Act, so as to revise the definition of "long term care insurance"; and Section 38-72-60, relating to regulations, policy and certificate requirements, policyholders rights, and coverage outline for long term care insurance, so as to revise the requirements for preexisting conditions and for the conditioning of benefits, change the references to policyholder to applicant, provide for references to certificate as well as policy, delete the provisions for return of a policy issued pursuant to a direct response, revise the requirements for an outline of coverage, provide for a policy summary and report, and provide for a rider as well as a policy to comply with the Act.
A Bill to amend Section 38-72-20, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the intentions and exceptions of the Long Term Care Insurance Act, so as to delete the provision that a policy not advertised, marketed, or offered as long term care insurance or nursing home insurance need not meet the requirements of the Act; Section 38-72-40, relating to definitions pertaining to the Act, so as to revise the definition of "long term care insurance"; and Section 38-72-60, relating to regulations, policy and certificate requirements, policyholders rights, and coverage outline for long term care insurance, so as to revise the requirements for preexisting conditions and for the conditioning of benefits, change the references to policyholder to applicant, provide for references to certificate as well as policy, delete the provisions for return of a policy issued pursuant to a direct response, revise the requirements for an outline of coverage, provide for a policy summary and report, and provide for a rider as well as a policy to comply with the Act.
02/07/90 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-4 |
02/07/90 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Banking and Insurance |