South Carolina Legislature


Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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S*1272 (Rat #0281, Act #0514 of 1992) Joint Resolution, By M.B. Williams, H.U. Fielding, F. Gilbert, Matthews, T.W. Mitchell, Patterson and Washington
    A Joint Resolution to empower the Trustees of South Carolina State College to issue special obligation bonds to pay for the cost of enlarging and improving Dawson Football Stadium; to prescribe the conditions under which the bonds may be issued; and to make provisions for their repayment.
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02/05/92Senate Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference SJ-8
02/06/92Senate Read second time SJ-28
02/07/92Senate Read third time and sent to House SJ-1
02/11/92House Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference HJ-8
02/12/92House Read second time HJ-29
02/13/92House Read third time and enrolled HJ-8
02/18/92 Ratified R 281
02/24/92 Signed By Governor
02/24/92 Effective date 02/24/92
02/24/92 Act No. 514
03/30/92 Copies available

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