
Session 107 - (1987-1988)Printer Friendly
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S*1282 (Rat #0632, Act #0554 of 1988) General Bill, By W.W. Doar, T.E. Garrison and H.C. Smith
A Bill to amend Sections 46-10-120 and 46-10-130, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to boll weevil eradication, so as to delete requirements for additional referenda, to provide for an assessment of eight dollars an acre for the eradication program, and to provide for changes in the assessment and the duration of the program upon petition of ten percent of the commercial cotton producers of the State.-amended title
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A Bill to amend Sections 46-10-120 and 46-10-130, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to boll weevil eradication, so as to delete requirements for additional referenda, to provide for an assessment of eight dollars an acre for the eradication program, and to provide for changes in the assessment and the duration of the program upon petition of ten percent of the commercial cotton producers of the State.-amended title
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03/08/88 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-9 |
03/08/88 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources SJ-9 |
03/10/88 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable Agriculture and Natural Resources SJ-31 |
03/17/88 | Senate | Read second time SJ-19 |
03/22/88 | Senate | Read third time and sent to House SJ-33 |
03/23/88 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-2232 |
03/23/88 | House | Referred to Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources HJ-2232 |
05/04/88 | House | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Agriculture and Natural Resources HJ-3513 |
05/10/88 | House | Amended HJ-3641 |
05/10/88 | House | Read second time HJ-3641 |
05/11/88 | House | Read third time HJ-3677 |
05/11/88 | House | Returned HJ-3677 |
05/13/88 | Senate | Concurred in House amendment and enrolled SJ-5 |
05/24/88 | Ratified R 632 | |
05/29/88 | Signed By Governor | |
05/29/88 | Effective date 05/29/88 | |
05/29/88 | Act No. 554 | |
06/17/88 | Copies available |