
Session 111 - (1995-1996)Printer Friendly
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S 1296 General Bill, By Thomas
Similar (S 1293, H 4657)
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 16-3-1535 so as to provide that all law enforcement agencies shall provide crime victims with a copy of the crime incident report relating to their case and certain other information; to add Section 16-3-1537 so as to require a criminal sentencing judge to apply amounts forfeited to the court by a person pursuant to Section 17-15-90 toward the payment of restitution the court orders the person to pay; to add Section 17-1-18 so as to require the State Supreme Court to promulgate rules to allow an appeal of certain court orders if a victim impact statement was not considered by the court or if a reasonable amount of restitution was not ordered; to add Section 24-21-490 so as to provide that the Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services shall collect and distribute restitution, the procedure for collecting and distributing restitution, the maintenance of a minimum number of restitution beds and publishing of an annual report concerning the State's efforts to collect restitution and other fees; to amend Section 16-3-1110, as amended, relating to definitions contained in certain provisions regarding the compensation of victims of crime, so as to provide a definition of "restitution"; and to amend Section 16-3-1530, as amended, relating to the rights of victims and witnesses, so as to provide the amount of restitution a judge must order an offender to pay.
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Similar (S 1293, H 4657)
A Bill to amend the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, by adding Section 16-3-1535 so as to provide that all law enforcement agencies shall provide crime victims with a copy of the crime incident report relating to their case and certain other information; to add Section 16-3-1537 so as to require a criminal sentencing judge to apply amounts forfeited to the court by a person pursuant to Section 17-15-90 toward the payment of restitution the court orders the person to pay; to add Section 17-1-18 so as to require the State Supreme Court to promulgate rules to allow an appeal of certain court orders if a victim impact statement was not considered by the court or if a reasonable amount of restitution was not ordered; to add Section 24-21-490 so as to provide that the Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services shall collect and distribute restitution, the procedure for collecting and distributing restitution, the maintenance of a minimum number of restitution beds and publishing of an annual report concerning the State's efforts to collect restitution and other fees; to amend Section 16-3-1110, as amended, relating to definitions contained in certain provisions regarding the compensation of victims of crime, so as to provide a definition of "restitution"; and to amend Section 16-3-1530, as amended, relating to the rights of victims and witnesses, so as to provide the amount of restitution a judge must order an offender to pay.
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03/27/96 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-6 |
03/27/96 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Corrections and Penology SJ-6 |