
Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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S*1422 (Rat #0597, Act #0500 of 1990) General Bill, By R.C. Shealy, Giese, M.T. Rose, Setzler and Wilson
A Bill to amend Section 12-21-2120, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to alternative method to tax a manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor, or retailer receiving untaxed bottled soft drinks and other related items, so as to authorize a wholesaler or distributor making shipments of soft drinks to retail locations in and out of this State to apply to the Tax Commission for a license which will enable them to purchase soft drinks tax free, and report and pay the tax as provided in this Section on sales of soft drinks sold to locations in this State.
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A Bill to amend Section 12-21-2120, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to alternative method to tax a manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor, or retailer receiving untaxed bottled soft drinks and other related items, so as to authorize a wholesaler or distributor making shipments of soft drinks to retail locations in and out of this State to apply to the Tax Commission for a license which will enable them to purchase soft drinks tax free, and report and pay the tax as provided in this Section on sales of soft drinks sold to locations in this State.
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03/22/90 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-7 |
03/22/90 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Finance SJ-7 |
04/04/90 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable Finance SJ-14 |
04/05/90 | Senate | Read second time SJ-32 |
04/10/90 | Senate | Read third time and sent to House SJ-22 |
04/11/90 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-10 |
04/11/90 | House | Referred to Committee on Ways and Means HJ-11 |
04/26/90 | House | Committee report: Favorable Ways and Means HJ-14 |
05/09/90 | House | Debate interrupted HJ-23 |
05/09/90 | House | Read second time HJ-24 |
05/10/90 | House | Read third time and enrolled HJ-12 |
05/24/90 | Ratified R 597 | |
05/29/90 | Signed By Governor | |
05/29/90 | Effective date 05/29/90 | |
05/29/90 | Act No. 500 | |
06/12/90 | Copies available |