
Session 107 - (1987-1988)Printer Friendly
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H*2106 Resolution, By D. Blackwell, M.O. Alexander and J.G. Mattos
A House Resolution to name the office in the State House occupied by the late Speaker Emeritus, Solomon Blatt, the "Solomon Blatt Room".
A House Resolution to name the office in the State House occupied by the late Speaker Emeritus, Solomon Blatt, the "Solomon Blatt Room".
01/13/87 | House | Introduced HJ-22 |
01/13/87 | House | Referred to Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-22 |
01/28/87 | House | Committee report: Favorable Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-241 |
01/28/87 | House | Adopted HJ-241 |