
Session 107 - (1987-1988)Printer Friendly
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H 2141 General Bill, By D. Blackwell
A Bill to amend Section 38-3-80, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the Chief Insurance Commissioner, so as to provide that he must be elected by the qualified electors of the State in the General Election commencing in 1988 and each four years thereafter; to permit the Chief Insurance Commissioner to succeed himself in the office; to provide for his term of office, status, salary, and qualifications; to provide for vacancies in the office of Chief Insurance Commissioner; to provide for the powers and duties of the Insurance Commission and the Chief Insurance Commissioner; to authorize the Chief Insurance Commissioner serving on the effective date of this Act to continue to serve until his successor is elected and qualifies pursuant to the provisions of this Act; and to repeal Section 38-3-60 relating to the powers and duties of the Insurance Commission and the Chief Insurance Commissioner.
A Bill to amend Section 38-3-80, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the Chief Insurance Commissioner, so as to provide that he must be elected by the qualified electors of the State in the General Election commencing in 1988 and each four years thereafter; to permit the Chief Insurance Commissioner to succeed himself in the office; to provide for his term of office, status, salary, and qualifications; to provide for vacancies in the office of Chief Insurance Commissioner; to provide for the powers and duties of the Insurance Commission and the Chief Insurance Commissioner; to authorize the Chief Insurance Commissioner serving on the effective date of this Act to continue to serve until his successor is elected and qualifies pursuant to the provisions of this Act; and to repeal Section 38-3-60 relating to the powers and duties of the Insurance Commission and the Chief Insurance Commissioner.
01/13/87 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-69 |
01/13/87 | House | Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-70 |
05/12/87 | House | Tabled in committee |