
Session 107 - (1987-1988)Printer Friendly
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H*2409 (Rat #0159, Act #0114 of 1987) General Bill, By T.M. Burriss, M.D. Burriss, R.S. Corning and J.E. Lockemy
Similar (S 0383)
A Bill to amend Sections 40-33-10, 40-33-20, 40-33-50, 40-33-260, 40-33-290, 40-33-520, 40-33-530, 40-33-560, 40-33-720, 40-33-730, 40-33-760, 40-33-910, 40-33-920, 40-33-935, 40-33-940, 40-33-950, 40-33-1120, and 40-33-1130, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to nurses, so as to define temporary permit, license, lapsed license, voluntary surrender, inactive license, accreditation, increase the penalty for unlicensed nursing practice; authorize the Board to deny licensure because of incompetence or unprofessional conduct; replace the term "registration" with "licensure" and the term "accreditation of schools of nursing" with "approval of nursing education programs"; to provide practical nurse education; to authorize the Board to revoke or suspend the license of a practicing nurse who has declined or been unsuccessful in accomplishing chemical abuse rehabilitation; to add Section 40-33-220 so as to enumerate the powers of the Board of Nursing; and to repeal Sections 40-33-300, and 40-33-1140 through 40-33-1160 relating to accreditation of courses for practical nurses.
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Similar (S 0383)
A Bill to amend Sections 40-33-10, 40-33-20, 40-33-50, 40-33-260, 40-33-290, 40-33-520, 40-33-530, 40-33-560, 40-33-720, 40-33-730, 40-33-760, 40-33-910, 40-33-920, 40-33-935, 40-33-940, 40-33-950, 40-33-1120, and 40-33-1130, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to nurses, so as to define temporary permit, license, lapsed license, voluntary surrender, inactive license, accreditation, increase the penalty for unlicensed nursing practice; authorize the Board to deny licensure because of incompetence or unprofessional conduct; replace the term "registration" with "licensure" and the term "accreditation of schools of nursing" with "approval of nursing education programs"; to provide practical nurse education; to authorize the Board to revoke or suspend the license of a practicing nurse who has declined or been unsuccessful in accomplishing chemical abuse rehabilitation; to add Section 40-33-220 so as to enumerate the powers of the Board of Nursing; and to repeal Sections 40-33-300, and 40-33-1140 through 40-33-1160 relating to accreditation of courses for practical nurses.
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02/05/87 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-417 |
02/05/87 | House | Referred to Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-417 |
03/11/87 | House | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-953 |
03/12/87 | House | Amended HJ-1008 |
03/24/87 | House | Read second time HJ-1406 |
03/25/87 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-1434 |
03/26/87 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-1056 |
03/26/87 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Medical Affairs SJ-1056 |
04/30/87 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable Medical Affairs SJ-1622 |
05/05/87 | Senate | Read second time SJ-1680 |
05/05/87 | Senate | Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day SJ-1680 |
05/06/87 | Senate | Read third time and enrolled SJ-1700 |
05/20/87 | Ratified R 159 | |
05/26/87 | Signed By Governor | |
05/26/87 | Effective date 05/26/87 | |
05/26/87 | Act No. 114 | |
06/09/87 | Copies available |