
Session 106 - (1985-1986)Printer Friendly
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H*2818 (Rat #0515, Act #0464 of 1986) General Bill, By Wilkins, M.O. Alexander, D.M. Beasley and P. Evatt
Similar (S 0520)
A Bill to amend Subarticle 3 of Article 13 of Chapter 7 of Title 20, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the Children's Bureau, by adding Section 20-7-2327 so as to provide for the placement of children by the Children's Bureau; by adding Section 20-7-2335 so as to provide for the requirements of placement; by adding Section 20-7-2337 so as to provide for the contents of records of placement; by adding Section 20-7-2345 so as to provide for the Children's Bureau to be the guardian of children committed to its care and to require the Children's Bureau's consent to adoption of the children; by adding Section 20-7-2355 so as to provide for the requirements relating to removal of children from the biological mother; and by adding Section 20-7-2365 so as to require notification to the Children's Bureau of children brought into this State and reports on the location and well-being of the children; to amend Subarticle 7 of Article 11 of Chapter 7 of Title 20, as amended, relating to adoption, so as to provide for the Subarticle to be cited as the South Carolina Adoption Act; to establish the purpose of the Subarticle; to define terms; to set forth new provisions as to who may adopt a child; to delete the provisions detailing certain requirements of adoption proceedings; to provide for the Family Court to have exclusive jurisdiction over adoption proceedings and where the proceedings may be brought; to provide who must give consent or relinquishment for the purpose of adoption; to provide for the assessment of all costs, not only incidental costs, for expenses incurred or fees for services rendered in the consent or relinquishment; to provide who is not required to give consent or relinquishment; to require consents or relinquishments to be made by a sworn document to be filed in court, for specifications of the document, and for the witnessing of the document; to provide when consents or relinquishments may be given; to allow withdrawal of consents or relinquishments and to require filing in court of reasons for withdrawal; to delete the references to interlocutory adoption decree; to delete the requirement that adoption petitions must be filed in duplicate and verified by the petitioners; to provide for the contents of an adoption petition and the information which must be filed with the petition; to provide for appointment of a guardian ad litem; to provide who is entitled to notice of adoption proceedings and the requirements of the notice and of intent to contest, intervene, or otherwise respond; to provide for temporary custody of the adoptee; to provide new requirements for the contents of reports on preplacement, background, and postplacement investigations, which must be completed prior to the final hearing for adoption of a child; to delete the provisions setting forth adoption requirements when the child is related by blood or marriage to the petitioner or is the stepchild of the petitioner; to require certification of certain persons investigating the adoption of a child or obtaining a consent or relinquishment, provide for promulgation of regulations relating to certification, allow certified persons to charge fees, and provide for a directory of certified persons; to provide new requirements for final hearings on adoption petitions; to provide for the conditions under which adoptions may be granted; to provide for the requirements of the contents of an adoption decree; to provide for the effects of an adoption decree on the adoptee, the adoptive parent, and the biological parents of the adoptee; to require an accounting of disbursements made in connection with the adoption, which must be verified by the petitioner, and provide for its contents; to require the confidentiality of papers and records pertaining to the adoption; to provide for additional nonidentifying information which may be disclosed; to provide the conditions under which the identities of the adoptee and his biological parents and siblings must be disclosed; to provide for appeals as in other family court matters instead of civil matters; and to provide for the requirements relating to the adoption of a spouse's child, a child related by blood or marriage, and adults; and to repeal Sections 20-7-1830 through 20-7-1890, relating to the Children's Bureau.-amended title
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Similar (S 0520)
A Bill to amend Subarticle 3 of Article 13 of Chapter 7 of Title 20, as amended, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the Children's Bureau, by adding Section 20-7-2327 so as to provide for the placement of children by the Children's Bureau; by adding Section 20-7-2335 so as to provide for the requirements of placement; by adding Section 20-7-2337 so as to provide for the contents of records of placement; by adding Section 20-7-2345 so as to provide for the Children's Bureau to be the guardian of children committed to its care and to require the Children's Bureau's consent to adoption of the children; by adding Section 20-7-2355 so as to provide for the requirements relating to removal of children from the biological mother; and by adding Section 20-7-2365 so as to require notification to the Children's Bureau of children brought into this State and reports on the location and well-being of the children; to amend Subarticle 7 of Article 11 of Chapter 7 of Title 20, as amended, relating to adoption, so as to provide for the Subarticle to be cited as the South Carolina Adoption Act; to establish the purpose of the Subarticle; to define terms; to set forth new provisions as to who may adopt a child; to delete the provisions detailing certain requirements of adoption proceedings; to provide for the Family Court to have exclusive jurisdiction over adoption proceedings and where the proceedings may be brought; to provide who must give consent or relinquishment for the purpose of adoption; to provide for the assessment of all costs, not only incidental costs, for expenses incurred or fees for services rendered in the consent or relinquishment; to provide who is not required to give consent or relinquishment; to require consents or relinquishments to be made by a sworn document to be filed in court, for specifications of the document, and for the witnessing of the document; to provide when consents or relinquishments may be given; to allow withdrawal of consents or relinquishments and to require filing in court of reasons for withdrawal; to delete the references to interlocutory adoption decree; to delete the requirement that adoption petitions must be filed in duplicate and verified by the petitioners; to provide for the contents of an adoption petition and the information which must be filed with the petition; to provide for appointment of a guardian ad litem; to provide who is entitled to notice of adoption proceedings and the requirements of the notice and of intent to contest, intervene, or otherwise respond; to provide for temporary custody of the adoptee; to provide new requirements for the contents of reports on preplacement, background, and postplacement investigations, which must be completed prior to the final hearing for adoption of a child; to delete the provisions setting forth adoption requirements when the child is related by blood or marriage to the petitioner or is the stepchild of the petitioner; to require certification of certain persons investigating the adoption of a child or obtaining a consent or relinquishment, provide for promulgation of regulations relating to certification, allow certified persons to charge fees, and provide for a directory of certified persons; to provide new requirements for final hearings on adoption petitions; to provide for the conditions under which adoptions may be granted; to provide for the requirements of the contents of an adoption decree; to provide for the effects of an adoption decree on the adoptee, the adoptive parent, and the biological parents of the adoptee; to require an accounting of disbursements made in connection with the adoption, which must be verified by the petitioner, and provide for its contents; to require the confidentiality of papers and records pertaining to the adoption; to provide for additional nonidentifying information which may be disclosed; to provide the conditions under which the identities of the adoptee and his biological parents and siblings must be disclosed; to provide for appeals as in other family court matters instead of civil matters; and to provide for the requirements relating to the adoption of a spouse's child, a child related by blood or marriage, and adults; and to repeal Sections 20-7-1830 through 20-7-1890, relating to the Children's Bureau.-amended title
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04/12/85 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-3417 |
04/12/85 | House | Referred to Committee on Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-3419 |
02/04/86 | House | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs HJ-454 |
02/05/86 | House | Debate interrupted HJ-546 |
02/06/86 | House | Debate adjourned HJ-576 |
02/12/86 | House | Debate adjourned HJ-652 |
02/13/86 | House | Amended HJ-716 |
02/13/86 | House | Read second time HJ-717 |
02/14/86 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-780 |
02/19/86 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-628 |
02/19/86 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Medical Affairs SJ-631 |
03/18/86 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Medical Affairs SJ-1063 |
03/26/86 | Senate | Read second time SJ-1313 |
03/26/86 | Senate | Ordered to third reading with notice of amendments SJ-1313 |
05/08/86 | Senate | Amended SJ-2532 |
05/08/86 | Senate | Read third time SJ-2539 |
05/08/86 | Senate | Returned SJ-2539 |
05/13/86 | House | Concurred in Senate amendment and enrolled HJ-2998 |
05/13/86 | House | Reconsider vote whereby concurred HJ-3037 |
05/13/86 | House | Senate amendment amended HJ-3039 |
05/13/86 | House | Returned HJ-3040 |
05/13/86 | Senate | Concurred in House amendment and enrolled SJ-2683 |
05/28/86 | Ratified R 515 | |
06/03/86 | Signed By Governor | |
06/03/86 | Effective date 12/03/86 | |
06/03/86 | Act No. 464 | |
06/03/86 | See Act for exceptions to effective date | |
06/09/86 | Copies available |