South Carolina Legislature


Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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H 3003 General Bill, By J.B. Wilder
    A Bill to amend Sections 48-48-30, 48-48-60, and 48-48-90, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the limits on acceptance of low-level radioactive waste at the Barnwell Regional Disposal Facility, so as to extend from 1992 to 1994 the year after which the waste will not be accepted from out of the region under certain conditions.
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12/12/90House Prefiled
12/12/90House Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs
01/08/91House Introduced and read first time HJ-39
01/08/91House Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs HJ-39
03/04/92House Committee report: Majority favorable with amend., minority unfavorable Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs HJ-14
04/08/92House Tabled HJ-76
04/08/92House Reconsider vote whereby tabled HJ-83
04/15/92House Amended HJ-59
04/15/92House Rejected HJ-113
04/15/92House Motion noted- Reconsider the vote whereby rejected HJ-113
04/16/92House Motion to reconsider ruled out of order HJ-23

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