South Carolina Legislature


Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H 3030 General Bill, By J.J. Bailey
    A Bill to amend Act 340 of 1967, as amended, relating to the Board of Trustees of the Charleston School District and the manner in which the annual tax millage for the district is determined, so as to revise this procedure including provisions to require the county council to approve any millage in excess of ninety mills for a particular year.
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01/12/93House Introduced and read first time HJ-26
01/12/93House Referred to delegation from Charleston HJ-26
04/01/93House Delegation report: Favorable Charleston HJ-132
04/06/93House Read second time HJ-15
04/06/93House Roll call Yeas-006 HJ-15
04/07/93House Tabled HJ-21

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