
Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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H 3050 General Bill, By Kirsh
A Bill to amend Sections 2-3-30, 2-3-60, 2-3-100, 2-3-170, 10-1-40, 51-1-75, 59-20-50, as amended, 59-63-720, and 59-65-210, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the General Assembly, public buildings and property, parks, recreation and tourism, and education, so as to provide for subsistence allowances for members of the General Assembly and Lieutenant Governor, to provide for the approval of the purchase of supplies for the Senate and House of Representatives, to provide additional duties for the Sergeants at Arms and Directors of Security, to provide for reimbursement of employees of the House of Representatives, to revise the duties of the State House Committee, to define the responsibilities of the Joint Committee on Tourism and Trade, to prohibit receipt of hold harmless funds by additional school districts, and to provide for appropriations for school lunch supervisors and the division of school lunch program aid appropriations; and to amend the 1976 Code by adding Sections 2-1-190, 2-3-35, 2-3-55, 2-3-73, 2-3-77, 2-3-85, 2-3-135, 2-3-152, 2-3-155, 2-3-175, 2-3-240, 2-3-250, 2-3-260, 2-3-280, 2-3-290, 2-7-63, 2-11-100, 8-11-75, 11-11-140, 38-73-725, 43-31-160, 46-7-100, 50-1-155, 51-1-100, 51-1-110, 51-1-120, 51-1-130, 51-1-140, 59-20-90, 59-20-100, 50-20-110, 59-21-125, 59-21-135, 59-21-415, 59-21-435, 59-21-445, 59-25-70, 59-25-80, 59-31-420, 59-47-95, 59-47-97, 59-47-120, 59-51-60, 59-103-160, 59-103-170, 60-11-110, 60-11-120, 60-13-60, and 60-15-100 so as to provide for funding of the dues to the Council of State Governments and the National Conference of State Legislatures, to provide for subsistence expense payments to the members of the General Assembly serving on joint study committees and to amend Section 2-3-30, relating to subsistence expenses for members and the Lieutenant Governor, so as to detail the circumstances under which subsistence is allowed, to provide for installation of telephone service in the Senate and House of Representatives, to provide for the preparation of expense and compensation vouchers of General Assembly committees and for the approval of Senate payroll and disbursement vouchers and interdepartmental transfers, to provide for the management of the Legislative Information Systems, to provide that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is required to send only one copy of each Act to the county clerks of court, to provide for appointments of the Directors of Research for the House of Representatives and their titles, to provide for the payment of the salaries of employees of the House of Representatives, to provide for payment of temporary clerical help for the Senate Finance and Judiciary Committees, President of the Senate, House of Representatives Ways and Means and Judiciary Committees, Speaker of the House, Clerks of the Senate and House, and Legislative Council, to provide that no per diem may be paid to any legislative official or employee from more than one source for any one day, to provide for pictures to be made of the standing committees of the House of Representatives, to provide for auditing of approved accounts of the Senate, House of Representatives, special services for the Senate and House, Legislative Council, and joint legislative committees and provide for the funding and operation of the committees, to provide for the Senate standing committees to contract for necessary projects, programs, and services, to provide for the benefits and compensation for the nurses who provide special services to the Senate and House of Representatives, to provide for each committee of the Senate and House of Representatives and each joint legislative committee to provide a list to the General Assembly of all employees who hold dual positions of state employment, to require an audit of joint legislative committee appropriations, to provide for Legislative Council research employees to be available to work with Senate and House of Representative committees, to provide for payroll deductions for parking fees, to provide for the designation and salaries of legislative employees provided in the annual General Appropriations Act, to provide funds for the operation of the State Rating and Statistical Division of the Insurance Department, to provide that revenues from production by trainees at Vocational Rehabilitation facilities may be used by the state agency of Vocational Rehabilitation, to require Clemson University, Regulatory and Public Service Division, to remit revenues to the general fund of the State, to provide for use of the Game Protection Fund, to provide that the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism when expending appropriations for a Canadian promotion shall designate one day of the promotion as "Canadian Day" and to provide that all Canadians are allowed admittance to state parks and use of park camping facilities on Canadian Day free of charge, to provide that funding of regional tourism promotion committees is contingent upon at least a twenty-five percent match from local sources, to provide that the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism is authorized to establish a scholarship program with Clemson University to assist students in the School of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, to provide that any monies derived from the gift/souvenir shop at the Boyleston House must be used for its continuing operation, to provide that the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism is authorized to charge a fee to commercial concerns for the cost of vacation guides, research reports, and mailing lists and to provide for the manner in which these fees are distributed and used, to provide for disbursement of education funds to the Department of Youth Services, to fund the Palmetto Unified School District, to provide that specific appropriations must include local financial support for education, to provide for the use of direct aid to school districts' appropriations, to provide for adjustments in school district entitlements for weighted pupil units, to provide for reduction of school building aid during revenue shortfalls, to exempt vocational education facilities and equipment from purchase or construction contracts, to provide that school building aid appropriations must be held in trust until used as provided by Section 59-21-350, to exempt teachers in Youth Services, Corrections, and Deaf and Blind Schools from Human Resource Management classification, to require maintenance of teacher local salary supplements, to provide for upkeep of used textbooks, to authorize the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind to charge appropriate tuition, room and board, and other fees to students accepted into the adult vocational program, and to provide that these fees must be determined by the school's Board of Commissioners, to authorize the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind to charge appropriate fees for housing of hearing impaired adults who receive vocational education services by the Vocational Rehabilitation facility on the school's campus, and to provide that fees must be determined by the school's Board of Commissioners and that such revenue must be retained by the school to offset certain additional operating costs, to authorize school buses of the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind to travel at speeds up to fifty-five miles an hour, not to exceed the posted limit, and to provide that no funds appropriated for equipment may be used for the purchase of governors for school buses of the school, to require the Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School to provide education services for truant students, to require notice of fee raises by state-supported colleges and universities, to require approval of disposal of local higher education real property, to provide for gifts by the State Museum Commission to educational institutions, to authorize the South Carolina Commission of Archives and History to supply one free copy of each new publication to certain libraries and persons, to provide that the funds earned from the United States Department of the Interior by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History for administering the National Historic Preservation Program in this State, with the exception of certain monies, must be deposited in a special account in the State Treasury, to be used by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History for a Historic Preservation Grants Program, and to provide for the use by the South Carolina Arts Commission of revenues derived from arts events and balances at end of the fiscal year.
A Bill to amend Sections 2-3-30, 2-3-60, 2-3-100, 2-3-170, 10-1-40, 51-1-75, 59-20-50, as amended, 59-63-720, and 59-65-210, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to the General Assembly, public buildings and property, parks, recreation and tourism, and education, so as to provide for subsistence allowances for members of the General Assembly and Lieutenant Governor, to provide for the approval of the purchase of supplies for the Senate and House of Representatives, to provide additional duties for the Sergeants at Arms and Directors of Security, to provide for reimbursement of employees of the House of Representatives, to revise the duties of the State House Committee, to define the responsibilities of the Joint Committee on Tourism and Trade, to prohibit receipt of hold harmless funds by additional school districts, and to provide for appropriations for school lunch supervisors and the division of school lunch program aid appropriations; and to amend the 1976 Code by adding Sections 2-1-190, 2-3-35, 2-3-55, 2-3-73, 2-3-77, 2-3-85, 2-3-135, 2-3-152, 2-3-155, 2-3-175, 2-3-240, 2-3-250, 2-3-260, 2-3-280, 2-3-290, 2-7-63, 2-11-100, 8-11-75, 11-11-140, 38-73-725, 43-31-160, 46-7-100, 50-1-155, 51-1-100, 51-1-110, 51-1-120, 51-1-130, 51-1-140, 59-20-90, 59-20-100, 50-20-110, 59-21-125, 59-21-135, 59-21-415, 59-21-435, 59-21-445, 59-25-70, 59-25-80, 59-31-420, 59-47-95, 59-47-97, 59-47-120, 59-51-60, 59-103-160, 59-103-170, 60-11-110, 60-11-120, 60-13-60, and 60-15-100 so as to provide for funding of the dues to the Council of State Governments and the National Conference of State Legislatures, to provide for subsistence expense payments to the members of the General Assembly serving on joint study committees and to amend Section 2-3-30, relating to subsistence expenses for members and the Lieutenant Governor, so as to detail the circumstances under which subsistence is allowed, to provide for installation of telephone service in the Senate and House of Representatives, to provide for the preparation of expense and compensation vouchers of General Assembly committees and for the approval of Senate payroll and disbursement vouchers and interdepartmental transfers, to provide for the management of the Legislative Information Systems, to provide that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is required to send only one copy of each Act to the county clerks of court, to provide for appointments of the Directors of Research for the House of Representatives and their titles, to provide for the payment of the salaries of employees of the House of Representatives, to provide for payment of temporary clerical help for the Senate Finance and Judiciary Committees, President of the Senate, House of Representatives Ways and Means and Judiciary Committees, Speaker of the House, Clerks of the Senate and House, and Legislative Council, to provide that no per diem may be paid to any legislative official or employee from more than one source for any one day, to provide for pictures to be made of the standing committees of the House of Representatives, to provide for auditing of approved accounts of the Senate, House of Representatives, special services for the Senate and House, Legislative Council, and joint legislative committees and provide for the funding and operation of the committees, to provide for the Senate standing committees to contract for necessary projects, programs, and services, to provide for the benefits and compensation for the nurses who provide special services to the Senate and House of Representatives, to provide for each committee of the Senate and House of Representatives and each joint legislative committee to provide a list to the General Assembly of all employees who hold dual positions of state employment, to require an audit of joint legislative committee appropriations, to provide for Legislative Council research employees to be available to work with Senate and House of Representative committees, to provide for payroll deductions for parking fees, to provide for the designation and salaries of legislative employees provided in the annual General Appropriations Act, to provide funds for the operation of the State Rating and Statistical Division of the Insurance Department, to provide that revenues from production by trainees at Vocational Rehabilitation facilities may be used by the state agency of Vocational Rehabilitation, to require Clemson University, Regulatory and Public Service Division, to remit revenues to the general fund of the State, to provide for use of the Game Protection Fund, to provide that the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism when expending appropriations for a Canadian promotion shall designate one day of the promotion as "Canadian Day" and to provide that all Canadians are allowed admittance to state parks and use of park camping facilities on Canadian Day free of charge, to provide that funding of regional tourism promotion committees is contingent upon at least a twenty-five percent match from local sources, to provide that the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism is authorized to establish a scholarship program with Clemson University to assist students in the School of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, to provide that any monies derived from the gift/souvenir shop at the Boyleston House must be used for its continuing operation, to provide that the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism is authorized to charge a fee to commercial concerns for the cost of vacation guides, research reports, and mailing lists and to provide for the manner in which these fees are distributed and used, to provide for disbursement of education funds to the Department of Youth Services, to fund the Palmetto Unified School District, to provide that specific appropriations must include local financial support for education, to provide for the use of direct aid to school districts' appropriations, to provide for adjustments in school district entitlements for weighted pupil units, to provide for reduction of school building aid during revenue shortfalls, to exempt vocational education facilities and equipment from purchase or construction contracts, to provide that school building aid appropriations must be held in trust until used as provided by Section 59-21-350, to exempt teachers in Youth Services, Corrections, and Deaf and Blind Schools from Human Resource Management classification, to require maintenance of teacher local salary supplements, to provide for upkeep of used textbooks, to authorize the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind to charge appropriate tuition, room and board, and other fees to students accepted into the adult vocational program, and to provide that these fees must be determined by the school's Board of Commissioners, to authorize the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind to charge appropriate fees for housing of hearing impaired adults who receive vocational education services by the Vocational Rehabilitation facility on the school's campus, and to provide that fees must be determined by the school's Board of Commissioners and that such revenue must be retained by the school to offset certain additional operating costs, to authorize school buses of the South Carolina School for the Deaf and the Blind to travel at speeds up to fifty-five miles an hour, not to exceed the posted limit, and to provide that no funds appropriated for equipment may be used for the purchase of governors for school buses of the school, to require the Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School to provide education services for truant students, to require notice of fee raises by state-supported colleges and universities, to require approval of disposal of local higher education real property, to provide for gifts by the State Museum Commission to educational institutions, to authorize the South Carolina Commission of Archives and History to supply one free copy of each new publication to certain libraries and persons, to provide that the funds earned from the United States Department of the Interior by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History for administering the National Historic Preservation Program in this State, with the exception of certain monies, must be deposited in a special account in the State Treasury, to be used by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History for a Historic Preservation Grants Program, and to provide for the use by the South Carolina Arts Commission of revenues derived from arts events and balances at end of the fiscal year.
12/21/88 | House | Prefiled |
12/21/88 | House | Referred to Committee on Ways and Means |
01/10/89 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-32 |
01/10/89 | House | Referred to Committee on Ways and Means HJ-36 |