
Session 110 - (1993-1994)Printer Friendly
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H*3121 Resolution, By Harvin
A House Resolution congratulating Clarendon County citizens--Sheriff's Department Lieutenant Randy Garrett, Highway Patrol Trooper Benji Andrew, and Sheriff H. F. Swilley--and also Colonel R. N. Alford, the Director of Law Enforcement for the South Carolina Department of Highways and Public Transportation, upon receiving the first annual ACE (Aggressive Criminal Enforcement) Program Awards, and granting them the privilege of the floor of the House of Representatives on a date and at a time to be determined by the Speaker for the purpose of being recognized for their awards.-amended title
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A House Resolution congratulating Clarendon County citizens--Sheriff's Department Lieutenant Randy Garrett, Highway Patrol Trooper Benji Andrew, and Sheriff H. F. Swilley--and also Colonel R. N. Alford, the Director of Law Enforcement for the South Carolina Department of Highways and Public Transportation, upon receiving the first annual ACE (Aggressive Criminal Enforcement) Program Awards, and granting them the privilege of the floor of the House of Representatives on a date and at a time to be determined by the Speaker for the purpose of being recognized for their awards.-amended title
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01/14/93 | House | Introduced HJ-8 |
01/14/93 | House | Referred to Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-8 |
01/26/93 | House | Committee report: Favorable Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-3 |
01/27/93 | House | Debate adjourned until Tuesday, February 2, 1993 HJ-13 |
02/02/93 | House | Amended HJ-24 |
02/02/93 | House | Adopted HJ-25 |