
Session 107 - (1987-1988)Printer Friendly
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H*3144 (Rat #0356, Act #0341 of 1988) General Bill, By House Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs
Similar (S 0773)
A Bill to amend Chapter 63 of Title 44, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to vital statistics, so as to clarify the responsibilities of the Department of Health and Environmental Control in the registration and certification of vital records; require each institution providing nursing, custodial, or domiciliary care to issue permits and require the coroner of each county to issue permits for noninstitution deaths; delete certain penalty provisions which are incorporated into other provisions of Chapter 63; specify restrictions on the issuance of copies to authorized entities; clarify those entitled to the short form or birth card and specify which Code Sections govern the establishment of paternity; add provisions to prevent the fraudulent use of birth certificates of deceased persons and provide a mechanism for members of a deceased person's family to obtain a copy of the birth certificate; add provisions which provide for the issuance of a certified copy of a death certificate only to those individuals with a direct and tangible interest while allowing access to the older records for geneological or other purposes to the applicant; add provisions to specify entitlement to copies of marriage and divorce records filed with the Department; provide that no delayed birth certificate may be registered for a deceased person and delete provisions which duplicate this provision; provide the correct references to cover all fees charged by the State Registrar for searching, certifying, and amending individual vital records; provide a process for filing birth certificates with the Bureau of Vital Statistics for foreign-born, alien children adopted in this State; clarify recommendations for correcting mistakes in birth and death certificates; clarify the process of amending the birth certificate of a child whose parents marry after the child's birth; group all penalties within one Code Section; provide a process of filing or amending a birth certificate where paternity has been determined pursuant to an order of the family court; provide a process for entering the father's name on a birth certificate based upon paternity acknowledgment by the mother and person to be named as the father; clarify the provision for establishing a delayed birth certificate at a county health department for a person born prior to 1915; and delete provisions which transfer records from the clerks of court to the county health departments.
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Similar (S 0773)
A Bill to amend Chapter 63 of Title 44, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to vital statistics, so as to clarify the responsibilities of the Department of Health and Environmental Control in the registration and certification of vital records; require each institution providing nursing, custodial, or domiciliary care to issue permits and require the coroner of each county to issue permits for noninstitution deaths; delete certain penalty provisions which are incorporated into other provisions of Chapter 63; specify restrictions on the issuance of copies to authorized entities; clarify those entitled to the short form or birth card and specify which Code Sections govern the establishment of paternity; add provisions to prevent the fraudulent use of birth certificates of deceased persons and provide a mechanism for members of a deceased person's family to obtain a copy of the birth certificate; add provisions which provide for the issuance of a certified copy of a death certificate only to those individuals with a direct and tangible interest while allowing access to the older records for geneological or other purposes to the applicant; add provisions to specify entitlement to copies of marriage and divorce records filed with the Department; provide that no delayed birth certificate may be registered for a deceased person and delete provisions which duplicate this provision; provide the correct references to cover all fees charged by the State Registrar for searching, certifying, and amending individual vital records; provide a process for filing birth certificates with the Bureau of Vital Statistics for foreign-born, alien children adopted in this State; clarify recommendations for correcting mistakes in birth and death certificates; clarify the process of amending the birth certificate of a child whose parents marry after the child's birth; group all penalties within one Code Section; provide a process of filing or amending a birth certificate where paternity has been determined pursuant to an order of the family court; provide a process for entering the father's name on a birth certificate based upon paternity acknowledgment by the mother and person to be named as the father; clarify the provision for establishing a delayed birth certificate at a county health department for a person born prior to 1915; and delete provisions which transfer records from the clerks of court to the county health departments.
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05/14/87 | House | Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference HJ-1710 |
05/20/87 | House | Read second time HJ-3041 |
05/21/87 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-3070 |
05/26/87 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-2305 |
05/26/87 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Medical Affairs SJ-2305 |
01/28/88 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Medical Affairs SJ-20 |
02/04/88 | Senate | Amended SJ-34 |
02/04/88 | Senate | Read second time SJ-36 |
02/09/88 | Senate | Read third time SJ-17 |
02/09/88 | Senate | Returned SJ-17 |
02/11/88 | House | Concurred in Senate amendment and enrolled HJ-1141 |
02/18/88 | Ratified R 356 | |
02/24/88 | Signed By Governor | |
02/24/88 | Effective date 02/24/88 | |
02/24/88 | Act No. 341 | |
03/08/88 | Copies available |