Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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H*3197 Concurrent Resolution, By Lanford
A Concurrent Resolution to request the Department of Highways and Public Transportation to rename the bridge presently called the "Cooper Bridge" in the Crescent Community of Spartanburg County the "DeYoung Bridge".
A Concurrent Resolution to request the Department of Highways and Public Transportation to rename the bridge presently called the "Cooper Bridge" in the Crescent Community of Spartanburg County the "DeYoung Bridge".
01/17/89 | House | Introduced HJ-10 |
01/17/89 | House | Referred to Committee on Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-10 |
05/03/89 | House | Committee report: Favorable Invitations and Memorial Resolutions HJ-2 |
06/01/89 | House | Adopted HJ-66 |
06/01/89 | House | Sent to the Senate HJ-66 |
06/19/89 | Senate | Introduced SJ-15 |
06/19/89 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Transportation SJ-15 |
05/03/90 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable Transportation SJ-22 |
05/08/90 | Senate | Adopted SJ-26 |
05/08/90 | Senate | Returned to House with concurrence SJ-26 |