
Session 109 - (1991-1992)Printer Friendly
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H 3344 Resolution, By J.C. Johnson
A House Resolution to amend Rule 12.3 of the Rules of the House of Representatives, relating to acceptance of a contribution by a candidate for the House, so as to delete references to the acceptance of a contribution for any given campaign and add provisions that the contribution be received in a calendar year except that a candidate whose name appears on a ballot more than one time in a calendar year may accept an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars from a lobbyist for each time his name appears on the ballot and fifty dollars cash from a contributor.
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A House Resolution to amend Rule 12.3 of the Rules of the House of Representatives, relating to acceptance of a contribution by a candidate for the House, so as to delete references to the acceptance of a contribution for any given campaign and add provisions that the contribution be received in a calendar year except that a candidate whose name appears on a ballot more than one time in a calendar year may accept an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars from a lobbyist for each time his name appears on the ballot and fifty dollars cash from a contributor.
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01/29/91 | House | Introduced HJ-3 |
01/29/91 | House | Referred to Committee on Rules HJ-3 |