Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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H*3466 (Rat #0361, Act #0335 of 1990) General Bill, By D.C. Waldrop
A Bill to amend Section 12-45-180, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to penalties on delinquent taxes, so as to provide that if the payment dates required by this Section fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the dates are extended to the end of the second business day immediately following which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, to provide that in counties which observe January 15, 1990, as a holiday no penalties may be assessed for 1989 taxes paid on January 16 or 17, 1990, if the taxpayer files a sworn statement that he attempted to pay the tax due on January 15, 1990, and to provide that penalties paid on January 16 or 17, 1990, must be refunded no later than March 1, 1990.-amended title
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A Bill to amend Section 12-45-180, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to penalties on delinquent taxes, so as to provide that if the payment dates required by this Section fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the dates are extended to the end of the second business day immediately following which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, to provide that in counties which observe January 15, 1990, as a holiday no penalties may be assessed for 1989 taxes paid on January 16 or 17, 1990, if the taxpayer files a sworn statement that he attempted to pay the tax due on January 15, 1990, and to provide that penalties paid on January 16 or 17, 1990, must be refunded no later than March 1, 1990.-amended title
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02/09/89 | House | Introduced and read first time HJ-5 |
02/09/89 | House | Referred to Committee on Ways and Means HJ-5 |
04/20/89 | House | Committee report: Favorable with amendment Ways and Means HJ-19 |
05/03/89 | House | Amended HJ-18 |
05/03/89 | House | Read second time HJ-19 |
05/04/89 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-15 |
05/09/89 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-7 |
05/09/89 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Finance SJ-7 |
01/17/90 | Senate | Recalled from Committee on Finance SJ-15 |
01/17/90 | Senate | Amended SJ-15 |
01/17/90 | Senate | Read second time SJ-15 |
01/17/90 | Senate | Unanimous consent for third reading on next legislative day SJ-15 |
01/18/90 | Senate | Amended SJ-13 |
01/18/90 | Senate | Read third time and returned to House with amendments SJ-13 |
01/24/90 | House | Senate amendment amended HJ-54 |
01/24/90 | House | Returned to Senate with amendments HJ-57 |
01/25/90 | Senate | Non-concurrence in House amendment SJ-3 |
01/30/90 | House | House insists upon amendment and conference committee appointed Reps. Reps. Waldrop, Klapman & Kirsh HJ-2 |
01/30/90 | Senate | Conference committee appointed Sens. Pope, Moore, Land SJ-11 |
02/06/90 | House | Free conference powers granted HJ-22 |
02/06/90 | House | Free conference committee appointed Reps. Waldrop, Klapman & Kirsh HJ-23 |
02/06/90 | House | Free conference report received HJ-23 |
02/06/90 | House | Free conference report adopted HJ-25 |
02/06/90 | Senate | Free conference powers granted SJ-8 |
02/06/90 | Senate | Free conference committee appointed Sens. Pope, Moore, Land SJ-9 |
02/06/90 | Senate | Free conference report received SJ-9 |
02/06/90 | Senate | Free conference report adopted SJ-11 |
02/06/90 | Senate | Ordered enrolled for ratification SJ-11 |
02/15/90 | Ratified R 361 | |
02/20/90 | Signed By Governor | |
02/20/90 | Effective date 02/20/90 | |
02/20/90 | Act No. 335 | |
02/27/90 | Copies available |