
Session 106 - (1985-1986)Printer Friendly
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H*3561 (Rat #0404, Act #0619 of 1986) Joint Resolution, By R.L. Helmly, Rhoad, J.J. Snow and D. Williams
A Joint Resolution to increase the limit on the taking of Blueback Herring and Gizzard Shad in 1986 only in Lake Moultrie and the Tailrace Canal.
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A Joint Resolution to increase the limit on the taking of Blueback Herring and Gizzard Shad in 1986 only in Lake Moultrie and the Tailrace Canal.
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02/26/86 | House | Introduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference HJ-978 |
02/27/86 | House | Read second time HJ-1024 |
02/28/86 | House | Read third time and sent to Senate HJ-1105 |
03/06/86 | Senate | Introduced and read first time SJ-843 |
03/06/86 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Fish, Game and Forestry SJ-843 |
03/12/86 | Senate | Committee report: Favorable Fish, Game and Forestry SJ-1006 |
03/25/86 | Senate | Read second time SJ-1195 |
04/03/86 | Senate | Read third time and enrolled SJ-1429 |
04/09/86 | Ratified R 404 | |
04/14/86 | Signed By Governor | |
04/14/86 | Effective date 04/14/86 | |
04/14/86 | Act No. 619 | |
04/18/86 | Copies available |