
Session 111 - (1995-1996)Printer Friendly
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H*3643 Concurrent Resolution, By Harrison
A Concurrent Resolution to recognize the outstanding work performed by the chiropractic profession in the United States and in South Carolina on the occasion of its one hundredth anniversary this year and to declare Thursday, March 30, 1995, as "South Carolina Chiropractic Centennial Day" in South Carolina.
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A Concurrent Resolution to recognize the outstanding work performed by the chiropractic profession in the United States and in South Carolina on the occasion of its one hundredth anniversary this year and to declare Thursday, March 30, 1995, as "South Carolina Chiropractic Centennial Day" in South Carolina.
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02/21/95 | House | Introduced, adopted, sent to Senate HJ-11 |
02/22/95 | Senate | Introduced SJ-10 |
02/22/95 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Invitations SJ-10 |
02/28/95 | Senate | Polled favorable from Invitations SJ-16 |
03/01/95 | Senate | Adopted, returned to House with concurrence SJ-22 |