
Session 111 - (1995-1996)Printer Friendly
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H 3646 Concurrent Resolution, By J.H. Hodges and J.T. McElveen
Similar (H 4093)
A Concurrent Resolution to request candidates for judicial offices to be filled by election of the General Assembly during its 1995 session to refrain from visiting the State House, Blatt Building, Gressette Building, or any other buildings of the State Capitol Complex for the purpose of meeting members and campaigning for office until such time as the Legislative Screening Committee has rendered its report regarding the qualifications of the candidates for the judicial offices to which the candidates seek election.
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Similar (H 4093)
A Concurrent Resolution to request candidates for judicial offices to be filled by election of the General Assembly during its 1995 session to refrain from visiting the State House, Blatt Building, Gressette Building, or any other buildings of the State Capitol Complex for the purpose of meeting members and campaigning for office until such time as the Legislative Screening Committee has rendered its report regarding the qualifications of the candidates for the judicial offices to which the candidates seek election.
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02/22/95 | House | Introduced HJ-4 |
02/22/95 | House | Referred to Committee on Judiciary HJ-4 |
02/22/95 | House | Recalled from Committee on Judiciary HJ-16 |
02/23/95 | House | Debate adjourned until Tuesday, February 28, 1995 HJ-26 |
02/28/95 | House | Amended HJ-34 |
02/28/95 | House | Adopted, sent to Senate HJ-34 |
03/01/95 | Senate | Introduced SJ-6 |
03/01/95 | Senate | Referred to Committee on Judiciary SJ-6 |