South Carolina Legislature


Session 111 - (1995-1996)Printer Friendly
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H 3729 General Bill, By D.A. Wright, Bailey, J.M. Baxley, A.W. Byrd, Canty, C.D. Chamblee, Gamble, J. Hines, Jennings, Keegan, Koon, Littlejohn, Meacham, Moody-Lawrence, D. Smith, Vaughn, S.S. Wofford and Young-Brickell
Similar (S 0470)
    A Bill to amend Title 39, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976, relating to trade and commerce by adding Chapter 67 so as to enact the "Homebuyers Protection and Warranty Act".
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03/02/95House Introduced and read first time HJ-8
03/02/95House Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry HJ-8

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