
Session 108 - (1989-1990)Printer Friendly
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H*3984 Resolution, By Glover
A House Resolution to designate Thursday, May 4, 1989, as "Boys Club Day" in South Carolina and to invite all contestants for the Youth of the Year Award and their club directors to attend a session of the House of Representatives in the hall of the House on Thursday, May 4, 1989, at a time convenient to House members and club directors, so that the House members may recognize and commend the contestants, their club directors, and the recipient of the South Carolina Boys' Club Youth of the Year Award.
A House Resolution to designate Thursday, May 4, 1989, as "Boys Club Day" in South Carolina and to invite all contestants for the Youth of the Year Award and their club directors to attend a session of the House of Representatives in the hall of the House on Thursday, May 4, 1989, at a time convenient to House members and club directors, so that the House members may recognize and commend the contestants, their club directors, and the recipient of the South Carolina Boys' Club Youth of the Year Award.
04/27/89 | House | Introduced and adopted HJ-25 |